





n. act ,figure ,identification number ,phone numberv. come ,count ,enumerate ,list


number['nʌmbə]n. 數;(雜誌等的)期;號碼;數字;算術vi. 計入;總數達到vt. 編號;計入;數…的數目;使為數有限


number 號碼;個數;數量;數值對像;house number 門牌;樓宇門牌號數;門牌號;議院數字圖片;flight number 航班號;航班號碼;班機號碼;飛航班次;Guide Number 閃光燈指數;閃光次數;閃燈指數;閃.;rational number 有理數;成比例的數;有理數; 有理數;


1.He numbered 5 cars last year. 去年他就擁有五部轎車了。

2.Hope I can roll a decent)number. 希望我能卷一相當好的)數目。

3.Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告知我你的電話號碼嗎?


What number are you trying to dial? - 你要的電話是什麼號碼?

The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127. - 我姓王,電話是363-1127。

And my phone number is 797-7963. - 我的電話是797-7963。

Your room number is 512. Here's your key. - 房間號碼是512。這是您的鑰匙。

No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24. - 不,不經過。但是你可以搭這班車轉乘24路。

It just depends on a number of things. - 這得靠許多因素才能決定。

Yes, I've been there a number of times. - 我去過許多次了。

What number are you at? - 你的電話號碼是什麼?

What number do I dial? - 我應該撥哪個號碼呢?

Please have …call me back. My name is… and my number is … - 請讓……給我回電話。 我的名字是……我的電話號碼是……

My account number is ... - 我戶頭號碼是…

You should take the number 1 subway. - 應當搭一路地鐵。

You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. - 搭一路車到Van Cortlandt公園下車。

Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform. - 記住,搭一路車,在北月台 。

And the telephone number is five five five…three oh nine oh. Thank you. - 電話是555-3090。謝謝。

Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? - 知道那家餐廳的電話號碼嗎

and leave the number with the baby-sitter. - 把餐廳的電話告訴臨時保姆。

Sure. The number is... five five five...seventeen twenty. - 沒問題 號碼是555-1720。

I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant.... - 我要留餐廳的電話號碼給她。

His number is 555-8842. - 他的電話是555-8842。

Well, do you have the phone number there? - 那麼, 有那兒的電話號碼嗎?

There's a phone number -- - 這有電話號碼,

The number you are calling -- 555-8448 -- - 你打的電話號碼555 8448

You tried calling the number on the collar? - 你照狗脖子上項圈的電話號碼打過電話了嗎?

Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. - Pete Waters, Chesterton鄉村免費郵遞路 一號。

Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. - Pete Waters,Chesterton鄉村免費郵遞路 一號 。

His number is five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. - 他的號碼是5557532。

You lost by a very small number of votes. - 輸的票數非常少。

A large number of American radio stations operate in the red. - 許多美國電台虧損經營。

What number should I dial to get the operator? - 我應該撥什麼號碼找到接線員?

No. That's nog good either. But give me your number and I'll call you if somebody cancels. - 不。也不行。不過請你把電話號碼給我,如果友人取消約會,我就打電話通知你。

Deliver not your words by number but by weight. - 言不在多,而在有物。

The flight number is ak708 on september 5th. - 班機號碼是9月5日ak708

My reservation number is 2991. - 我的預訂號碼是2991。

Has this seat number started boarding? - 這個座位號已開始登機了嗎?

Would you hold the line, please, I will find out his number for you. - 請你不要掛斷,我替你找他的號碼。

His extension number is 285. - 他的分機號碼是285。

What number are you calling? - 你打什麼號碼?

Would you please tell me your phone number so that we'll ring you up as soon as the remittance arrives? - 您能否把電話號碼告訴我,以便匯款一到就給您打電話?

We have a toll-free number for customers to call. - 我們對顧客提供免費服務電話。

Please tell us the Article Number of the Product. - 請您把商品貨號告訴我們。

No. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there. - 不去,最遠只到正街。不過你可以到那裡再乘31路。

No. You're going the wrong way. You want the Number 11. It stops in front of the post office. - 不去。你乘錯車了。你要乘11路。它在郵局門前停站。

Internet is number one! - 國際互聯網真是頂呱呱!

I could only guess the number of people in the room. - 我無法正確地猜測房間裡面有多少人。

I can give you a number of excuses. - 我可以給你說出很多韻理由。

The number 13 bus will take you to the hospital. - 13路車會帶你去醫院。

He was in car number fifteen.Five other cars were just behind him. - 他在第15號車裡,其他5輛汽車跟在他後面。

What's the number of your car? - 您的汽車牌號是多少?

Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. - 蒂姆是個工程師,正在一家大公司工作,並且已經去過澳大利亞的不少地方了。


number in series - 串聯數

n. number of stroke - 沖程數

number of variates - 變量數

number of plate - 塔板數

n. number of multiple back reflection - 多次反向反射數

a great number of; massive; vast - 大量的

fixed number of years - 年限

n. number of multiple back reflection - 底面多重反射次數

differential number distribution - 微分數量分佈函數

number range; numerical range - 數值範圍

smoothing of number sequence - 數列修勻

average number molecular weight - 數均分子量

number of milli-equivalent - 毫當量數

n. wave number vector - 波數矢量

para number of deliveries - 生產胎數

number if survivor - 生存人數

registry number index - 登記號索引

total bacterial count; total number of bacteria - 細菌總數

index number table - 計算值診斷表

a great number of - 許多

drop number method - 量滴法

drop number method - 量電法

gold number test - 金值試驗

random number table - 隨機數目表


n.大量的,許多 - a great number of

n.色散係數 - abbe number

n.乙酰值 - acetyl number

n.乙酰皂化值 - acetyl saponification number

n.酸價,酸值 - acid number

痤瘡數 - acne number

n.活化值 - activation number

n.聚集數目 - aggregation number

n.鹼中和值 - alkali neutralisation number

n.角量子數 - angular quantum number

n.原子質量數 - atomic mass number

n.原子序數 - atomic number

n.平均生育數 - average fertility number

n.平均配位體數 - average ligand number

n.數均分子量 - average number molecular weight

n.阿伏加德羅常數 - avogadro number

n.阿伏加德羅常數,阿伏伽德羅數 - avogadros number

n.角量子數 - azimuthal quantum number

n.底數,鹼基數 - base number

基數 - basic number

床數 - bed number

苯並二丫庚因受容體數 - benzodiazepine receptor number

劑數算定法 - calculating method of the number of medicine

n.基數 - cardinal number

十六烷值 - cetane number

n.電荷數 - charge number

n.染色體數 - chromosome number

n.壯數 - cone number

n.配位數 - coordination number

n.銅值 - copper number

死亡者數 - deaths number

n.標準指數 - designation number

n.微分數量分佈函數 - differential number distribution

狄布卡因數 - dibucaine number

二倍數,復相數 - diploid number

n.量滴法,量電法 - drop number method

有效原子序數 - effective atomic number

n.有效峰數 - effective peak number

n.有效塔板數 - effective plate number

n.電子數 - electronic number

n.至適標準 - ester number

外推數 - extrapolation number

死亡者數 - fatalities number

n.年限 - fixed number of years

n.金值 - gold number

n.金值試驗 - gold number test

n.半量子數 - half quantum number

n.單倍染色體數 - haploid chromosome number

n.單倍數 - haploid number

n.海納數 - hehner number


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