





n. commode ,crapper ,dejection ,faecal matterv. ca-ca ,crap ,defecate ,tiller


stool[stu:l]n. 凳子;糞便;廁所vi. 長新枝;分檗vt. 引誘,誘捕


stool 凳子;廚房高腳椅;擱腳凳;坩堝底座,墊磚;round stool 圓凳;Camp stool 折椅;Stool routine 大便常規檢查;大便常規;糞便常規檢查;大low stool 矮凳;矮凳子;


1.Doctor: How is your stool? 醫生:大便是什麼樣的?

2.I want a specimen of your urine (stool). 我要一點你尿液(大便)的樣品。

3.Having played golf, the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the zoo. 打完高爾夫球之後,批著羊皮的狼在動物園的工具凳子上休息。


pass stool with the blood oand pus; passing stool with blood and pus - 便膿血

stool culture - 糞便培養

stool sedimentation and hatching - 糞便沉孵檢查

dry stool in the intestinal tract - 胃中燥矢

bloody stool due to lingering visceral damage - 髒毒便血

stool with occult blood - 隱血便

stool test - 驗糞


n.灰白色大便 - acholic stool

n.膽汁糞 - bilious stool

n.膿血便 - bloody purulent stool

n.血性便,髒毒 - bloody stool

n.髒毒便血 - bloody stool due to lingering visceral damage

n.便血,髒毒 - blood in the stool

血性便 - blood stool

奶油樣便,奶油樣糞 - butter stool

泥狀便 - caddy stool

n.陶土色便 - clay-colored stool

n.紅果醬樣血便 - currantjelly stool

n.洩注赤白 - diarrhea with bloody and purulent stool

n.下利清谷 - diarrhea with undigested food in the stool

痢疾便 - diarrheal stool

n.燥矢;n.干便 - dry stool

n.胃中燥矢 - dry stool in the intestinal tract

n.赤痢 - dysentery characterized by blood in the stool

n.髒毒 - dysentery or bloody stool

n.赤痢,血痢 - dysentery with bloody stool

n.五色痢 - dysentery with multi-colored stool

n.膿血痢 - dysentery with pus and blood in the stool

消化不良之糞便 - dyspeptic stool

脂性糞 - fatty stool

n.成形便,成形糞 - formed stool

顆粒狀糞 - granular stool

綠色便 - greenish stool

固形便,大便秘結 - hard stool

血便 - hemorrhagic stool

白色糞便性幼兒腹瀉 - infantile diarrhea with white stool

鉛筆樣便 - lead-pencil stool

n.不消化糞 - lienteric stool

液體便 - liquid stool

n.便溏,稀糞 - loose stool

乳便 - milk stool

n.粘液膿血便 - mucopurulent bloody stool

n.粘液膿性便 - mucopurulent stool

n.粘液血便 - mucous bloody stool

n.粘液便,粘液糞 - mucous stool

n.大便潛血 - occult blood in stool

n.便膿血 - pass stool with the blood oand pus

n.便膿血 - passing stool with blood and pus

糊狀的糞 - pasty stool

n.膿性便 - purulent stool

n.膿血便 - pus and blood stool

n.瀉下酸腐臭穢 - putrid and offensive smelling stool

n.米泔樣糞 - rice water stool

n.米泔水樣便,淘米水樣便 - rice-water stool

西米便 - sago-grain stool

羊糞 - sheep dung stool

肥皂樣便 - soapy stool

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