n. halt ,hitch ,layover ,stoppagev. discontinue ,halt ,kibosh ,stop over
n. continuant ,continuant consonantv. begin ,continue ,get going ,start
STOP[stɔp]vt. 停止;堵塞;斷絕vi. 停止;中止;逗留;被塞住n. 停止;車站;障礙;逗留
Stop 關閉;停車站;停止播放當前聲音;停機;Stop Valves 截止閥;停止閥,閉塞閥;截止閥 -;角式截止閥;stop off 中途停留;中途下車;封堵;在中途停車、分道;stop bit 停止位;終止位;停止位元;結束位元;stop cock 龍頭;停止旋塞;鎖閉開關;停止拴;
1.He stopped work and took a rest. 他停下工作休息了一會兒。
2.What can I do to stop them? 我該怎樣做才能阻止他們呢?
3.You just want to know how to make it stop. 你唯一想要做知道的就是怎樣去停止「它」。
No. I need to stop by the shop. - 不,我要先到商店停一下。
Why did you stop working? - 你為什麼要退休?
Oh. Now all it has to do is stop raining. - 噢。現在唯一希望的就是停止下雨。
You'll see a stop sign. - 會看到有個停車再開標 。
Make a right at the stop sign. - 就在停車再開標誌那裡向右拐。
I take the next left turn to the stop sign. - 我在下個路口左轉彎, 到一個停車再開標誌處,
Oh, not if I can stop him! - 噢, 要是我能阻止他, 他就甭想!
And how are you going to stop him? - 那, 怎麼去阻止他呢?
Just because the other kids have motor scooters is no reason for you to stop riding your bike to school. - 只是因為其他的孩子都有電單車上學,不足以成為你不騎車上學的理由。
To stop without a farmhouse near - 為何停在沒有農舍的地方
I never stop thinking about them. - 我一直在思考這些問題 ,從未間斷。
Good luck! And stop worrying! - 祝你好運, 別再擔心!
For heaven's sake stop whining. - 我說你別再訴苦了。
I wish you'd stop nagging me. - 我希望你別老這麼煩我。
I used to stop for hitch-hikers'till the day I picked up that maniac. - 自從有一天搭了一個精神病人以後,我碰到搭順風車的人就不再停下來了。
When people stand together, no one can stop them. - 當人們門到一起的時候,就沒有人可以阻止他們相互談論。
Ask him to stop by for a talk. - 讓他過來坐坐,聊聊天。
I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd stop by. - 我就住在附近,所以我想拜訪一下。
Can you stop by for one minute? - 你能否過來坐坐?
Let's stop discussing trivial details and come to the point. - 咱們別再談瑣碎細節了,說正事吧。
If I want to be healthy,I have to stop smoking cigarettes. - 如果我想要健康,我必須停止吸煙。
Can I stop over on the way? - 我在中途可以停嗎?
Let's stop here and continue in about 10 minutes. - 我們暫停一下,10分鐘後繼續。
Hi, thief! Would you stop that music for me? - 喂,小偷兄,你能替我把音樂關掉嗎?
I've realized that we should stop the pollution. - 我明白必須阻止公害的原因了。
Please stop by (drop in) sometime. - 請於近日過來坐坐。
The doctor said I should stop smoking cigarettes. - 醫生勸告我戒煙。
They intend to stop all traffic through the ports. - 他們預定關閉港口的全部交通。
If you want to be healthy, you have to stop smoking a pipe. - 如果你要身體健康的話,必須停止抽煙斗。
If you want to be healthy, you have to stop smoking cigarettes. - 如果你要身體健康的話,必須停止抽香煙。
Please tell him to stop jumping up and down. - 請告訴他不要調上跳下。
Please tell him to stop running in and out. - 請告訴他不要跑進跑出。
Please tell him to stop speaking. - 請告訴他不要講話。
We can't stop it. - 我們不能阻止它。
You make the failure complete when you stop strying. - 不再努力之時,就是完全失敗之日。
It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. - 它在接近終點時,衝下了山坡,駕駛員費了好大勁才把車停下來。
As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet. - 我一敲車窗,你必須把車停在5英尺之內。
It came to a stop outside the jeweller's. - 在珠寶店門口停了下來。
but it was impossible to stop the thieves. - 但他已無法抓住那些竊賊了。
but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare. - 但是,當你通過綠色通道,沒有任何東西需要申報時,他們仍可以攔住你。
As the men refused to stop working, the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill. - 由於工人拒絕停下手中的活,警察想奪風鑽。
but she is never sufficiently strong-minded to be able to stop the practice. - 但她又缺乏足夠堅強的意志把這一收集活動停下來。
Please stop me if you have any question. - 有任何問題,請隨時叫我停下來。
Then the teacher says, Stop and put your hands in front of you now. - 「現在停止,並把手放在面前。」
I think you need a number 47. The bus stop is along that road, on the right. - 我想你需乘47路車。
The bus stop is in front of a station. - 公共汽車站在火車站前面。
The radio says the snow will stop later in the day. - 無線電廣播說 今天晚些時候雪會停的。
The rain will stop later on. - 以後雨會停的。
The radio says that it may stop raining later. - 廣播說晚些時候雨可能會停。」
Quick! said Li Lei. Lucy and Wei Hua, go round that corner and stop the traffic. - 「快!」李壘說,「露茜和魏華,去那拐彎處攔住車輛」。
n. top stop device - 上止動裝置
n. top stop device - 上死點停止裝置
stop element - 停止符號
nourishing the blood to stop wind - 養血熄風
cool the blood and stop bleeding; removing heat from the blood to stop bleeding - 涼血止血
n. die stop mark - 壓模停止標記
n. stop gage - 可調整量規
stop speculum - 固定開瞼器
n. stop block - 墊墩
calming the liver to stop bleeding - 平肝止血
calming the liver to stop the wind - 平肝熄風
abstinence of drugs; stop drug addiction - 戒毒
stop valve - 截止閥
n. finger stop lever - 手動限位桿
n. finger stop lever - 指形止動桿
stop bleeding by astringency - 收斂止血
astringing the lung to stop cough - 斂肺止咳
n. die stop mark - 模具擋板標記
n. stop gage,chock - 止動器
n. stop holder - 止動圈
n. stop holder - 止動套
n. stop block - 止槍楔
arresting bleeding or arresting hemorrhage; haemostasis; hemostasia; hemostasis; stop the blood - 止血
piston; stop cock; stopcock - 活塞
promoting blood circulation to stop pain - 活血止痛
clering away heat to stop vomiting - 清熱止嘔
clearing away heat to stop diarrhea - 清熱止瀉
clearing away heat to stop bleeding - 清熱止血
warming the middle-jiao to stop vomiting - 溫中止吐
warming the middle-jiao to stop diarrhea - 溫中止瀉
warm and invigorate to stop the bleeding - 溫補止血
calming the endopathic wind; stop wind; to calm the wind - 熄風
stop codon; termination codon; terminator codon - 終止密碼子
a stop of progress; ceasing to transmit - 經盡
stop watch; stopwatch - 記秒錶
start stop distortion - 起停畸變
stop watch; stopwatch - 跑表
n. stop holder - 阻動支架
n. stop block - 阻塊
calming the liver to stop the wind - 鎮肝熄風
n. stop collar - 限動環
n.經盡 - a stop of progress
n.孔徑光闌 - aperture stop
n.斂肺止咳 - astringing the lung to stop cough
n.平肝止血 - calming the liver to stop bleeding
n.平肝熄風,鎮肝熄風 - calming the liver to stop the wind
n.清熱止血 - clearing away heat to stop bleeding
n.清熱止瀉 - clearing away heat to stop diarrhea
n.清熱止嘔 - clering away heat to stop vomiting
n.涼血止血 - cool the blood and stop bleeding
n.暗視野光闌 - dark-field stop
刮刀 - doctor stop
n.養血熄風 - nourishing the blood to stop wind
n.活血止痛 - promoting blood circulation to stop pain
n.涼血止血 - removing heat from the blood to stop bleeding
n.起停畸變 - start stop distortion
n.溫補止血 - warm and invigorate to stop the bleeding
n.溫中止瀉 - warming the middle-jiao to stop diarrhea
n.溫中止吐 - warming the middle-jiao to stop vomiting