cherubim['tʃerəbim]n. 小天使(cherub的複數);智天使
Cherubim 智天使;基路伯;普智;天使;cherubim cherub 智天使;Cherubim Singers 潔璐品歌手;Cherubim Astarte 智天使 阿斯塔羅傑;Cherubim and seraphim 智天使們和六翼天使們;小天使和六翼天使,;
1.Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory, overshadowing the atonement cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now. 櫃上面有榮耀基路伯的影罩著施恩座.〔施恩原文作蔽罪〕這幾件我現在不能一一細說。
2.He cast him out, and to the east of the garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and a sword whirling and flashing to guard the way to the tree of life. 上帝把人逐出了伊甸園後,在伊甸園的東邊安置了有翅的天使和一把轉動時火光閃閃的寶劍,來守住通往生命之樹的路。
3.On the panels between the frames there were lions, oxen, and cherubim; and on the frames likewise, above and below the lions and oxen, there were wreaths in relief. 在框架中間的鑲板上刻有獅子、牛和革魯賓的形像,在框架上也有雕刻;獅子和牛的形像下,刻有花紋浮雕。