stimy['staimi]vt. 阻撓,妨礙(等於stymie)n. 妨礙球
stimy 妨礙球;stimy stymie stymy 妨礙球;put grit in the machine stimy 阻撓;
1.Fukuda said last night, the stimy strategy of DPJ means the current situation could no longer last. 福田昨晚表示,日本民主黨的阻撓策略意味著,當前的局面已無法維持下去。
2.As a result of the stimy from America, Rome meeting omitted the unconditional fire-cease request of such sides as Arab countries, Italy and UN. 由於美國強力阻撓,羅馬會議聲明最終刪去了阿拉伯國家、意大利和聯合國等方提出的無條件停火的要求。
3.The key character Chang Kai-shek took measure to the best of his ability in diplomacy, reduced the disturbance of imperialism and escaped the stimy of Japan's aggression successfully and tactically. 身處其間的關鍵人物蔣介石在外交上採取措施,盡量減少北伐統一中帝國主義勢力的掣肘,避開並側面對抗日本對中國統一的阻撓,成功並且策略地抵制了日本的侵略。