





a. complete ,consummate ,saturated ,vestal


a. impure ,unsaturated


pure[pjuə]adj. 純的;純粹的;純潔的;清白的;純理論的


Pure 清秋;純粹越野;完美機車;純的;Pure aluminium 純鋁;Pure play 單一業務公司;單一業務;純網路營運;單一業務公司來源:考試大;Pure Alcohol 酒精;純酒精;pure rain 淨雨;純雨;


1.The sky is blue, pure blue. 天空是藍色的,湛藍色的。

2.Friendship is a pure white handkerchief . 友誼是一塊潔白的手帕。

3.Despite our feelings of how pure pollution have become. 縱使我們的感情有多純潔亦變得污染。


It's pure fiction. - 完全是捏造。

We are very interested in your printed pure silk scarves, could you give us some idea about your price? - 我們對貴方的印花真絲圍巾很感興趣,請介紹一下貴方的價格好嗎?

We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract that upper end of the market. - 我方已不再生產純棉襯衫因為其零售價格只能吸引高檔消費者。

His heart cannot be pure whose tongue is not clear. - 嘴不淨者心不純。


make the mineral drugs to be pure and fine - 使這些礦物類藥物純淨細膩

congenital general pure analgesia - 先天性全身無痛症

spectroscopically pure zinc - 光譜純鋅

n. pure water manufacturing equipment - 淨水生產設備

pure depressive disease; puredepressivedisease - 單純憂鬱症

pure red cell aginesis - 單純紅細胞再生不良

pure red-cell aplastic anemia - 單純紅細胞性再生障礙性貧血

n. commercially pure titanium - 商業純鈦

union international de chimie pure et appliquee - 國際理論與應用化學協會

n. commercially pure titanium - 工業用純鈦

pure white - 潔白

lung-energy should be kept pure and descendant; the lung-qi being kept pure and descendant; the lung-qi being kept pure and desendant - 清肅肺氣

pure y-radioactive nuclide - 純Y放射性核素

pure culture - 純淨培養

mel depuratum; pure honey - 純淨蜂蜜

crenate; crenated; pure culture - 純培養

pure sample - 純樣

pure oxygen - 純氧

n. pure oxygen top blown converter steelmaking - 純氧頂部吹轉化制鋼法

aqua pura; pure water; purified water; purifiedwater - 純水

n. pure water manufacturing equipment - 純水製造裝置

pure bred - 純種

pure line breeding - 純種敏育

pure depressive disease; puredepressivedisease - 純粹憂鬱症

pure red-cell anemia - 純紅細胞性貧血

pure color - 純色

pure blood - 純血

pure blood - 純血統

n. pure copper plate - 純銅板

n. pure nickel electrode - 純鎳焊條

n. pure nickel electrode - 純鎳電極

pure tone; simple tone - 純音

pure tone generator - 純音發生器

pure tone audiometer - 純音聽力計

pure tone paracusis - 純音聽覺倒錯

pure tone screen audiometer - 純音篩選測聽儀

the lung-qi should keep pure and descendant - 金氣肅降


n.分析純 - analytically pure

n.化學純 - chemical pure

n.化學純 - chemically pure

n.色譜純 - chromatographically pure

n.先天性全身無痛症 - congenital general pure analgesia

n.清肅肺氣 - lung-energy should be kept pure and descendant

n.使這些礦物類藥物純淨細膩 - make the mineral drugs to be pure and fine

n.光學純的 - optically pure

n.放射化學純的 - radiochemically pure

n.放射純 - radio pure

n.光譜純的 - spectroscopically pure

n.光譜純鋅 - spectroscopically pure zinc

n.工業純淨 - technically pure

n.清肅肺氣 - the lung-qi being kept pure and descendant

n.清肅肺氣 - the lung-qi being kept pure and desendant

n.金氣肅降 - the lung-qi should keep pure and descendant

n.國際理論與應用化學協會 - union international de chimie pure et appliquee

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