





Establishment of a liberal and competitive investment regime that facilitates and promotes investment within the ASEAN-India RTIA 建立一個自由和競爭的投資制度,以方便和促進東盟-印度區域貿易和投資領域 rtia;Circular on Issues concerning Warrant Investment by Securities Investment Funds in the Split Share Structure Reform 關於股權分置改革中證券投資基金投資權證有關問題的通知;Henan Provincial Delegation Admires Ethiopia's favorable investment Environment 中國河南省代表團稱讚埃塞良好的投資環境;tax advantaged investment 有稅收優勢的投資;investment advisers' partnership 投資顧問合夥;投資顧問合夥商行;


1.The financial property investment tool includes the deposit, the stock certificate investment, foreign exchange investment and various derivatives investment of finance. 金融資產投資工具包括儲蓄投資、證券投資、外匯投資以及各種金融衍生品投資等;

2.Investment fund is a very popular investment method or investment system in the world. It conies from U. 投資基金是一種在世界普遍流行且極具生命力與發展前途的投資方式或投資制度。

3.One of, investment main body is given priority to by national investment, to multivariate investment gives priority to change. 其一,投資主體由國家投資為主,向多元投資為主轉變。

4.Because the return rate of whole industry drops, the fund of venture capital investment that considers investment so more very much also puts delay investment rhythm. 由於整個行業的回報率下降,很多原來想投資的風險投資基金也放緩了投資節奏。

5.Reform of the investment and financing system was gradually deepened, with new sources of investment and financing opened up and the ways of investment and financing diversified. 投融資體制改革逐步深化,投融資渠道進一步拓寬,投融資方式實現多樣化。


I am well aware of how risky this investment is. - 我非常清楚這項投資有多大的風險。

I'd like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country? - 我想瞭解一下貴國的投資環境。

and perhaps convertibles or the income shares of split capital investment trusts. - 可能還有可換證券,或分割資本投資信託公司的所得股。

Once you have decided on your investment aims, you can then decide where to put your money. - 一旦你的投資目標確立以後,你就可以決定你的錢投向何處。

I'd like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country? - 我想瞭解一下貴國的投資環境。


embedding material; investment material - 包埋材料

n. investment casting process - 蠟型精密鑄造法

n. titanium investment casting - 鈦精細鑄造


n.包埋法 - cast investment

n.方石英嵌體包埋料 - cristobalite inlay investment

n.高熔鑄金包埋料 - high melting casting metal investment

n.高溫包埋料 - high temperature investment

n.嵌體包埋料 - inlay investment

n.包埋料液 - liquid investment

n.中溶鑄金包埋料 - mildfusing metal casting investment

n.磷酸鹽包埋料 - phosphate investment

耐火包埋料,耐火圍模料 - refractory investment

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