





advertisement 廣告;廣告學;廣告,做廣告;宣傳;advertisement matter 廣告 郵件;郵件;Merchandise Advertisement 商品廣告學;商品告白學;Advertisement Recruiting 廣告招聘;advertisement tax 廣告稅;


1.A illegal advertisement may be related of advertisement owner, advertisement operator and advertisement promulgator. 一個違法的廣告,可能涉及到廣告主、廣告經營者、廣告發佈者。

2.Ai Rui analysis thinks, advertisement chief commander is sought more the advertisement with accurate essence puts in a form, will limited budget applies more calculable media to go up. 艾瑞分析認為,廣告主將尋求更精準的廣告投放形式,將有限的預算運用到更可信賴的媒體上。

3.The advertisement audience has the greatly strengthened selectivity and elusion to the media advertisement. 廣告受眾對媒介廣告有極強的選擇性和迴避性。

4.advertisement promulgator for self interest, law notting comply checks concerned proof, law notting comply checks advertisement content. ——廣告發佈者為了自身利益,不依法查驗有關證明,不依法核實廣告內容。

5.An advertisement can be republished (before the original advertisement expires) to extend the lifetime of a resource. 廣告能夠被公告(在沒有過期之前)去延長資源的生命週期。


Yes, I have been working in an advertisement company in the last two years. - 是的,在過去兩年裡,我一直在一家廣告公司工作。

Which advertisement company did you serve? - 你在哪家廣告公司做事?

Zero Advertisement Company. - 零點廣告公司。

He began to seek jobs in the classified advertisement column in the newspaper. - 他開始從報紙的分類廣告欄找工作。

An advertisement which begins with the magic word FREE can rarely go wrong. - 凡是用「免費」這個神奇的詞開頭的廣告很少會失敗的。

OK. Our plan is to produce an advertisement for this famous computer which is supplied by one of China's biggest computer producers-Legend Computer Group Corporation. Any ideas? - 好了,我們計劃給這種著名的計算機做廣告,它是由中國最大的計算機生產廠商之一--聯想計算機集團公司提供的。你們有什麼主意嗎?

I suggest that we ask users of this machine what they think about it. We can photograph them using it too. Then we can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print. We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads. - 我建議我們徵詢計算機用戶的意見。我們也可以把他們使用計算機的情形拍成照片。然後我們把他們的意見用粗體字印在廣告上面。我們還可以加入一些幽默故事。人們喜歡幽默的廣告。

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