fare-you-welln. 完美的狀態
fare-you-well 完美的狀態;fare-thee-well fare-you-well 完美的狀態;
1.M: Would you like to give her a little fare-well Party? 你要不要為她舉行一個餞行派對?
2.You can have a veterinarian draw blood and run a titre to find out how well your prospective dog will fare in a parvo-infected environment. 你可以帶它去獸醫那裡做血檢,看看它是否能在未來這個細小感染過的環境成長。
3.T-bag: Kinte, you can smell like a bouquet of bonbons, but unless you get rid of your smell, you might as well send a note to the police, with directions and some cab fare. 行啊,就算你香噴噴得像一束棒棒糖一樣,除非你身上沒味兒了,要不然就等於給警察遞個條子,告訴他們你走了哪個方向,走了多遠,都明明白白。