unreferenced field 未引用字字段;
1.If an object only holds references to other managed objects, the GC will clean up unreferenced objects. 如果一個對像僅擁有其他托管對象的引用,垃圾收集器將對未引用的對象進行清理。
2.So when the GC finds an unreferenced object with a finalizer, it places the object on the finalization queue and moves on. 因此,當垃圾收集器發現具有終結器但未被引用的對象時,會將該對像加入到終結隊列中,並繼續工作。
3.Any unmanaged memory that was leaked by a component because its finalizer didn't run will still be sitting around unreferenced, unreachable, and taking up space. 任何因自身終結器未運行而被組件洩漏的非托管內存都將繼續保持未引用狀態,無法被訪問,並且佔用一定空間。