





ground floor first floor 第一層;first floor ground floor 一樓;floor polish floor wax 地板蠟;ground floor first floor 第一層;floor polish floor wax 地板蠟;


1.Used on the marble floor, plastic floor, wooden floor, cement floor, terrazzo. 適用於大理石、膠地板、木地板、水泥地板、水磨石等。

2.The installation of wooden floor has two kinds basically: One kind is to use floor glue to be stuck directly indoors on cement floor, this kind suits ground evenness, small floor spelling wood; 木地板的安裝基本有兩種:一種是採用地板膠直接貼在室內的水泥地面上,這種適合地面平坦、小條拼木地板;

3.Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 住宅單位樓面至樓面高度指該樓層之石屎地檯面與上一層石屎地台之高度距離。

4.Features: floor washing, carpet washing, polishing, low-speed burnishing, floor crystal treatment, floor renewing. 性能:洗地,洗地毯,起蠟,低速拋光,晶面處理,地面翻新。

5.This product applies to plastic floor, quartz floor, of woodiness floor and holystone ground wax and polishing. 本產品適用於塑料地板,石英地板,木質地板及磨石地面的打蠟和拋光。


Of course. It's on the fifth floor of Building No.4. Let's go there. - 當然可以。展室在四號樓五層,我們上去吧。

What floor is the shoe department on? - 鞋部在幾層?

Oh, here. On the ground floor we have the reception area ... - 噢 看這個。在樓下 我們會有一個接待區……

This is an interesting floor plan.Please show me the basement. - 這是一有趣的平面佈置.請給我看一下地下室。

l am vacuuming the floor now and have several shirts to iron. - 我正在用真空吸塵器清理地板,還有好幾件襯衫要熨。

At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. - 這會兒,書把地板的每一點空隙都佔據了,我實際上是踩著這些書進出房間的。

It is not long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. - 他們很快便適應了游泳,以致能撿起池底的物品。

Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. - 三輪車並排放在7英尺深的游泳池底上。

Eventually the turtle has been butted all the way down to the floor of the tank. - 這只海龜最終被撞到池底。

it is quite reasonable to regard the sea floor as the basic form of the crust of the earth, - 因此完全有理由把海床看作地殼的基本模殼,

The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean. - 大陸是崎嶇不平的高地,高出遼闊海洋海底近三英里。

and in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean floor at 2,500-3,500 fathoms. - 一直延伸到幾百英里遠深達2,500至3,500的地方,

Then he gets out of the lift and climbs up to the fifteenth floor on foot. - 接著他走出電梯並徒步登上第15層。

Will you please sweep the floor and tidy the classroom every day? - 請你們每天都打掃地板、整理教室,好嗎?

The bag fell on the floor and broke open. - 糖落在地板上,袋子裂開了。

I was in the kitchen cooking something and I felt the floor move. - 我正在廚房煮東西,感到地板在震動。

OK. We can get some more tomorrow. We should finish the floor now. Can you take the other end of this piece of wood? Now you have to pull it to make the surface smooth like that. - 好吧。我們明天再多買些。現在我們應該把地板弄好。你能抓住木板的另一端嗎?現在你要來回拉動木板,使它的表面像那塊兒木板一樣光滑。

Yes, and we must stop people walking on this floor until it's firm. It may be necessary to put up a notice saying Keep off. Another thing, we' ll have to drill a hole in the wall for the electric wires. - 是的,因此在地板牢固前,我們必須防止人們從地板上行走。可能還需要豎一個佈告牌,寫上「不得踐踏」。還有,我們必須在牆上鑽一個電線孔。


floor of wound - 創底

pyogenic cellulitis of floor of mouth - 化膿性口底蜂窩織炎

incision and drainage of floor of mouth - 口底切開引流術

carcinoma of floor of mouth - 口底癌

n. floor molding - 地鑄模

n. floor neave creep - 地面—蠕變

n. floor heave creep - 地面六蠕變

floor contamination monitor - 地面污染監測儀

floor space - 居室面積

n. floor joist - 底工字鋼

floor cells - 底細胞

n. ocean floor mineral resources - 洋底礦源

n. sea floor mining - 海底開礦

pelvic floor tissue - 盆底組織

orbital floor fracture - 眶底骨折

basis nasi; floor of nose - 鼻底


n.口底癌 - carcinoma of floor of mouth

n.洞底 - cavity floor

傳導床,傳導板 - conductive floor

眶底破裂骨折,爆裂骨折 - depressed fracture of orbital floor

n.骨盆底機能不全 - incompetence of pelvic floor

n.口底切開引流術 - incision and drainage of floor of mouth

n.眶底骨折 - orbital floor fracture

眶床綜合征 - orbital floor syndrome

n.骨盆底,盆底 - pelvic floor

n.盆底組織 - pelvic floor tissue

減少肺疾病性肺血管層 - pulmonary vascular floor reducing lung disease

n.腐敗壞死性口底蜂窩織炎 - putrefactive necrotizng cellulitis of mouth floor

n.化膿性口底蜂窩織炎 - pyogenic cellulitis of floor of mouth

n.眶底重建術 - reconstruction of orbital floor

n.鬆弛的骨盆底部 - relaxed pelvic floor

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