





backsheesh beer-money cumshaw drink money pourboire 酒錢;out of the money spill money 賭輸;pocket money spending money 零用錢;bank note bank paper folding money lettuce paper currency shinplaster soft money 紙幣;bank note bank paper folding money lettuce paper currency shinplaster soft money 紙幣;


1.That is the oxymoron out there. They got, they're making the money because we gave them money. But they also want them to make money to pay us back. 那是一種自相矛盾的做法,他們銀行的所得,他們在盈利是因為我們在付錢。但是他們又想用從我們所付的錢裡盈利,再付還給我們。

2.Black money: Money in the economy obtained through illegal means, such as money from the drug trade. 黑錢 :在經濟中通過非法手段取得的金錢,如從毒品交易中獲得的金錢。 money; demand money:Money deposited in an interest-Bearing account, that can be called by the depositor on a day's notice. 拆放款;活期資金:指存在有息帳戶中的貨幣,存款者可以隨時提取,但需提前一天進行通知。

4.It's good to have money to buy things that money can buy, but it's better not to lose things money cannot buy. --George Horace Lorimer. 有錢去買能用錢買得到的東西很好,不失去那些用錢買不到的東西更好。

5.Money is the root of all evil?That is not ture. Money provides food for hungry, medicine for the sick, clothes for the needy, Money is only a 金錢是萬惡之源?不。金錢為飢餓的人提供食物,為生病的人提供醫藥,為窮困的人提供服務。金錢只是一種交換的媒介。


Yes. This product will save you a lot of money and time. - 是的。這個產品可為你節省很多的錢和時間。

How much money are you looking for in this job? - 你希望的薪水是多少?

How much money are you presently earning? - 你目前掙多少錢?

Another rags-to-riches success story. Now you can borrow money from him instead of me. - 又一個白手起家,發財致富的成功人物。以後你可以向他借錢,不用找我了。

I'd like to borrow some money from you. - 我想向你借點錢。

Could I bum some money off of you? - 我能先從你那借點錢嗎?

I'm paying lots of money for you, so you'd better do well. - 我為你花了那麼多錢,所以你要好好幹。

How much interest will my money earn? - 我的錢的利息是多少?

to save money for my college tuition. - 存錢準備我的大學學費。

Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one, - 爺爺要借給我們錢去買房子,

and be able to put more money down. - 也就可以增加自備款的額度。

it takes a little bit of money to run a campaign. - 競選活動需要花一些錢。

Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad. - 也許你和爸爸可以借我一點錢。

Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it. - 是的。假如我得到這份工作的話,我可以賺不少錢。

Marilyn and I hope to use money from the sales of this book Marilyn - 和我希望用這本書銷售的錢

He spends too much money on his hobbies. - 他在愛好方面花了很多錢。

In many countries, politicians are associated with money and scandals. - 在許多國家,政客與金錢和醜聞分不開。

Many residents choose to put their money into the bank. - 許多人選擇把錢存在銀行。

He lost his money due to his own carelessness. - 由於大意,他丟了錢。

He invests his money in the stock market, dreaming of huge profits. - 他把錢投資在股市中, 夢想從中獲暴利。

You give me the money and I'll give you the goods. - 你付錢,我給貨。

Where did this money come from? - 這些錢從哪來?

You can deposit the money into my bank account. - 你可以把錢存進我的銀行賬戶。

You should save some money in case of urgent need. - 你應該存點錢以備不時之需。

You will waste a lot of money trying to keep up with the newest fashions every year. - 為了跟上每年最新的時裝潮流,你得花大把的錢。

I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? - 我想你又要找我借錢了吧?

I don't envy him his money problems. - 我慶幸自己沒有他那些金錢的煩惱。

Let's share the money fifty-fifty. - 我們平分這筆錢吧。

He has money to burn. - 他錢多得像水一樣。

He's making money hand over fist. - 他財源滾滾。

What I do with my money is none of your business. - 我怎麼花錢跟你無關。

He cannot find the money to further his plan. - 他無法籌資開展他的計劃。

Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. - 腦中有知識,勝過手中有金錢。

He is not interested in money matters. - 他對金錢問題不感興趣。

I'll make up the money to the amount you need. - 我會補足這筆款項。

Hello, may I change some money with my Master card? - 我能否用萬事達卡來兌換些錢嗎?

Do you want to remit the money by air mail or by cable, sir? - 您想要航空信還是電匯,先生?

Yes, your money has arrived. - 噢,您的匯款已經到了。

But you have to pay 5% commission on this money exchange. - 但兌換這筆外幣,您得另外付5%的手續費。

Winning money is great fun and relaxation. - 賺錢是最愉快舒服的事。

It may be even more valuable than money but it tastes awful! - 它可能比金錢更有價值,但是味道遭透了。

I wish I had half the money he does. - 但願我有他一半的錢。

Your car hit me and now I demand the money to pay the doctor with! - 你的汽車撞了我,所以我要求你支付賠償。

Here's the money you need. The interest rate is 25%. - 這是你要的錢,利息是25%。

Just deposit your money with us; we'll take good care of it. - 請存在本銀行,我們會負責保管的。

With the rate of inflation I borrow money from the bank. - 由於通貨膨脹,我要向這家銀行貸款。

My money is all gone! - 我一文不名了!

I hope you can find your money soon. - 我希望你很快就找到你的錢。

A fool and his money are soon parted. - 笨蛋難聚財。

A man without money is a bow without an arrow. - 人無錢,猶如弓無箭。

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