n. ambition ,aspiration ,dreaming ,pipe dreamv. daydream ,stargaze ,woolgather
dream[dri:m]vi. 夢想;做夢,夢見;想到n. 夢想,願望;夢vt. 夢想;做夢;想到adj. 夢的;理想的;不切實際的
Dream 夢; 夢想;夢的解析;夢鄉牌手錶;Dream catcher 追夢人;追夢;夢想者;捕夢網;DREAM LOVER 夢中情人;魂縈舊夢;夢中人;夢中佳人;Sweet dream 甜蜜的夢;張娜拉;美夢;好甜好甜的夢;Dream Land 夢境;夢陸地圖片;夢土;夢之地;
1.She dreamt about vacation plans when she should have been working. 她在本應工作時胡思亂想著度假計劃。
2.Dream is a wife who must talk. 夢是一個一定要談話的夫人。
3.This is the time when we dream. 我們就是在這個時候做夢的。
I know, but it's still a dream come true. - 我知道 但這終究是一個夢想實現了。
What I dream of doing is taking a year off and sailing around the world alone. - 我夢想能夠休上一年假,自己乘船周遊世界。
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. - 只有今天好好地生活,昨天才會變成幸福的回憶,明天才會成為希望的憧憬。
No. Don't be silly. I wouldn't dream of letting you do that. - 不,別說傻話了。我絕不會想到讓你那樣做的。
Our new car looks like a dream next to her old car. - 跟旁邊這些車比較,我們的新車如同一個夢。
I'd rather dream than study my chemistry. - 我還是做我的夢,總比研究化學好。
At Xmas time, Debra began to dream of all the presents. - 到了聖誕節的時際,黛布拉開始夢想著所有的禮物。
Hope is but the dream of those that wake. - 希望是清醒者的夢想。
Don't dream away your time. - 不要虛度光陰。
Many young girls dream of being a fashion model. - 許多年輕女孩夢想成為時裝模特兒。
It's a pleasant dream but everything depends on 'if'! - 這是個美好的夢,但一切都取決於「如果」!
The dream he had had for so many years ended there. - 他多年來的幻想從此破滅。
He has surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school. - 他無疑為成千上萬夢想逃避上學的孩子們創造了一項紀錄。
it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create 'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'. - 但它的結構簡單,造型優美,實現了設計者企圖創造一個「盡量用細線條勾畫出一個龐然大物」的夢想。
many of them serious and senior scientists---- who dream of sending people to it. - 其中的不少人是認真和資深的科學家,他們一直夢想著把人送上火星。
I've always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come true. - 我做夢都想到中國來,而現在我的夢想成真了。
dream phantasy; dreamphantasy - 夢幻想
dream consciousness - 夢樣意識
dream pain; dreampain - 夢痛
dream state - 睡夢狀態
n.啟示性夢 - clairvoyant dream
n.白日夢 - day dream
假夢 - false dream
清醒的夢 - lucid dream
法耳默21 - Pharma dream 21
白日夢,幻想 - waking dream
n.夢遺 - wet dream