okazakin. 岡崎(日本本州島中南部城市)
OKAZAKI 岡崎精工;日本岡崎;岡崎製造所;岡崎家;Okazaki fragment 岡崎片段;岡崎斷片;英語翻譯:岡崎片段;岡崎片斷;Mio Okazaki 岡崎美女;Okazaki Shinji 岡崎慎司;Yoichiro Okazaki 岡崎與一郎;
1.Factory was founded in February 2004, at the northern gate of Shanghai - Jiading District outside the town of Okazaki. 本廠創業於2004年2月,位於上海的北大門——嘉定區外岡鎮。
2.October 30 the same year, and Peng directly to annihilate the Japanese army 36 division Organize Okazaki Brigade Combat nao Kwan. 同年10月30日,與彭德懷等直接組織殲滅日軍36師團岡崎大隊的關家垴戰鬥。
3.Okazaki, mainly from the Han dynasty began within the community at local name of a prominent family of growth, and thus to explore the origin of aristocracy. 岡崎主要從漢代社會的內部開始考察地方名望族的成長,進而探求貴族制的起源。
okazaki fragments; okazaki pieces; okazakifragments; okazakipieces - 岡崎片段
okazaki fragments; okazaki pieces; okazakifragments; okazakipieces - 岡崎碎片