londres 倫敦細呢;倫敦[英國城市;倫敦細呢(法);ALBERT LONDRES 作家阿爾伯特·郎德;Padron Londres 帕德龍·龍得萊斯;demi londres 輕縮絨粗紡細呢;輕縮絨粗紡細呢(法);T Londres 工業金屬;
1."Your excellency, " he said, "the master of the Hotel de Londres has sent to let you know that a man is waiting for you with a letter from the Viscount of Morcerf. 「大人,」他說道,「倫敦旅館的老闆派人來稟告您,說有一個給馬爾塞夫子爵送信的人在那兒等您。」
2.On his first inquiry he was told, with the impertinence peculiar to hired hackney-coachmen and inn-keepers with their houses full, that there was no room for him at the Hotel de Londres. 最初一問,侍者就用車伕生意很忙和旅館已經客滿時那種特有的傲慢神氣告訴他,倫敦旅館已經沒收有他住的份兒了。