





symptom['simptəm]n. 症狀;徵兆


Symptom 症狀;症候;病狀;徵兆;withdrawal symptom 禁戒症狀;戒斷症狀;退癮症狀;戒除症狀;symptom complex 綜合征;症候群;綜合症狀;蘸, 綜合症狀;accessory symptom 輔助症狀;輔佐症狀;induced symptom 誘發症狀;釋義:誘發症狀;


1.Be the symptom of leukaemia? 是不是白血病的症狀?

2.Tracheitis symptom? How to maintain? 氣管炎症狀?怎麼保養?

3.What expression is rhinitis symptom? 哪些表現是鼻炎症狀?


coma in the cold symptom complex - 寒瘧神昏

phlegmatic symptom complex - 寒痰症

symptom complex; symptom group; symptomcomplex; symptomgroup - 征群

symptom of uneasiness - 心神不安的症狀

digestive tract symptom; symptom of digestive tract - 消化道症狀

the symptom becomes aggravated - 症狀加重

symptom distress check list - 痛苦症狀核查表

irritative symptom of rectum - 直腸刺激症狀

symptom of brain hypertension - 腦壓過高症狀

symptom complex; syndrome or symptom complex - 證

syndrome or symptom complex - 證候


n.健康的徵兆 - a healthy symptom

腹證 - abdominal symptom

脫癮症狀,戒帶症狀 - abstinence symptom

n.副症狀 - accessory symptom

n.偶發症狀 - accidental symptom

髓判症狀 - accompanying symptom

現症 - actual symptom

關節綜合症 - articular symptom

聽覺症狀 - auditory symptom

中軸症狀 - axial symptom

n.博勞尼尼氏症狀 - bologninis symptom

n.主要症狀 - cardinal symptom

頸動脈瘺症狀,頸動脈竇症狀 - carotid fistula symptom

中樞神經系症狀 - central nervous system symptom

頸髓損傷綜合症 - cervicpulp damage symptom

頸肩腕綜合症 - cervix-shoulder arm symptom

n.特殊症狀 - characterestic symptom

n.特徵性症狀 - characteristic symptom

n.標準症狀 - classical symptom

更年期症狀 - climacteric symptom

臨床症狀 - clinical symptom

n.寒瘧神昏 - coma in the cold symptom complex

複雜症狀 - complicated symptom

n.伴發症狀 - concomitant symptom

連續症狀 - consecutive symptom

n.全身症狀 - constitutional symptom

對症法 - cure that adjust to symptom

皮膚症狀 - cutis symptom

n.缺損症狀 - defective symptom

缺乏症狀 - deficiency symptom

n.遲發症狀 - delayed symptom

n.消心 - diabetes with polydipsia as the prominent symptom

n.消脾 - diabetes with polyphagia as the prominent symptom

n.消心 - diabets with polydipsia as the pro minent symptom

消化系統症狀 - digestive symptom

n.消化道症狀 - digestive tract symptom

直接症狀 - direct symptom

分離症狀 - dissociation symptom

n.早期症狀 - early symptom

n.愛潑斯坦氏症狀 - epsteins symptom

等同症狀 - equivocal symptom

發熱症狀,熱征 - febrile symptom

n.瘺管症狀 - fistula symptom

瘺孔症狀,瘺管綜合征 - fistular symptom

n.病灶症狀 - focal symptom

n.弗蘭克氏症狀 - franckes symptom

n.消化系統症狀 - gastrointestinal symptom

n.全身症狀 - general symptom

n.虹彩輪症狀 - halo symptom

n.高血壓腦症狀 - hypertensive cenebral symptom

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