morro['mɔrəu]n. 小丘
morro 陡岬;安全套件;莫羅;代號為;Morro Redondo 莫羅雷東杜;莫羅雷東杜(墨西哥);El Morro 莫羅城堡;莫羅堡;埃爾莫羅;morro crab 石蟹;Morro Sofa 貧民窟創意沙發;
1.At night: Visit to the Cannon Shot Ceremony Show at The Morro Fortress. 晚上前往著名的莫羅城堡觀賞沿襲了三百多年的關城禮炮儀式。
2.All three looked more human, though Morro chose not to look any of them in the eye. 所有的三變得更人類, 雖然 Morro 選擇不要在眼睛中他們看起來任何。
3.Liu Xiaodong has been invited to go and produce there for a period of more than one month and his artwork will later be shown in the special union of the Biennial in Morro castle. 其中藝術家劉小東受邀前往哈瓦那進行為期一個多月的采風和創作,作品稍後會在特邀藝術家單元展出,展覽地點位於哈瓦那的莫羅城堡。