a. unrecognized
genius unrecognised 懷才不遇;Slaying of Kinsman Unrecognised 無意中傷害骨肉;Slaying of a Kinsman Unrecognised 殘殺未認出的親人;
1.In addition, huge unrecognised losses of US banks still need to be funded. 此外,美國各銀行巨額未確認虧損仍需要融資。
2.Michael, the particular object of their desire, had just turned 11, and would never be able to walk down the street unrecognised again. 她們的夢中情人邁克爾不過剛滿11歲,卻已經成了家喻戶曉的公眾人物。
3.Post-match, his manager lavished the utmost praise on the current Footballer of the Year but was curious why Frank's reputation is unrecognised outside of this country. 賽後給了蘭帕德極力的讚揚,他很希奇為什麼蘭帕德的名聲在國外不被承認。