n. celebrater ,celebrator
celebrants['selibrənt]n. 司儀神父;主持儀式的人;主持彌撒的教父
celebrants 司儀神父;Marriage Celebrants Become More Popular 婚禮主持人日漸風行;And join the warriors and celebrants 加入勇士和監;
1.Celebrants clad mostly in red, the color of luck and longevity, await transport to a Chinese New Year festival in a Chinese town. 表演者們著裝大多為紅色——一種代表幸運和長壽的顏色,等待著到一個中國小鎮裡表演一場新年晚會。
2.Clad in shades of pink and white, celebrants of the Indian festival of Holi gather to watch a play in Vrindavan in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. 在位於印度北部的北方邦的維倫達文,身著粉色和白色衣服以慶祝印度胡裡節的人們正在觀看演出。
3.During Holi celebrants toss clouds of powdered pigments in shades of indigo, magenta, and saffron to celebrate the passion of Hindu god Krishna for his lover, Radha. 在胡裡節期間,司儀會拋灑由靛藍,洋紅和金黃等顏色的顏料粉末,以讚美印度教裡的神克利須那對他的愛人拉德哈的熱戀。