Celebrate abundant 慶豐收;Celebrate abundant 慶豐收;There you shall celebrate your banquets before Yahweh 你們和你們的兒女、僕婢,以及在你們城鎮裡的肋未人,都應在上主你們的天主面前一同歡樂,因為肋未人沒有在你們中分得產業。;celebrate 慶祝;祝福;歡慶;我的音樂讓我說;Celebrate You 恭喜你;祝賀你;
1.This achievement is yours and today we are all here to celebrate our achievement. 這些成績是你們的,我們今天在這裡共同慶祝我們的成功。
2.Rotarians celebrate the grand opening of the House of Friendship. Rotary Images/Alyce Henson. 扶輪社員慶祝友誼之家的隆重開幕。
3.The angriest of them went so far as to insist that the nation had little to celebrate. 憤怒無比的人們堅稱,這個國家沒有任何值得慶祝的。
4.The event is held the day after Balinese Hindus celebrate Silence Day. 「接吻節」的前一天是巴厘島印度教徒的「安靜節」。
5.Celebrate your new beginning! 慶祝你的新開始。
Do you celebrate Christmas in China? - 中國人慶祝聖誕節嗎?
I mean, there seems to be something to celebrate all the year round. - 我的意思是,好像一年到頭都要忙著慶祝似的。
John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month. - 下個月John和我將慶祝我們的結婚四十年紀念。
We are going to celebrate all weekend. - 我們整個週末都要進行慶祝。
How will you celebrate Chinese New Year? - 你們是如何慶祝春節的?
Today we celebrate our day of independence.It's a national holiday. - 今天我們慶祝我們的獨立. 今天是國定假期。
So, celebrate your success, and invite your parents to celebrate with you, however hard it may be for them. If you continue to be excited about your future, you may come to educate your parents in the same way. - 因此,慶賀你的成功,並且邀請你的父母跟你一慶賀,儘管這樣做會讓他們感到難以接受。如果你還在為自己的未來而感到激動的話,你可以慢慢用同樣的辦法說服你的父母。