n. defiler
pollutern. 污染者;污染源;污染物質
polluter 污染源;污染物質;污染者;污染源,污染者;The Polluter 污染者;subtle polluter 釋義:難形容的污染物;net polluter 淨污染者;Gemplam Polluter 晶掌污者;
1.The largest polluter on the planet is the textile industry so as long as people continue to wear synthetic fabrics like polyester the problem will continue. 地球上最嚴重的污染是紡織工業,只要人們還穿化工類衣服污染就不會停止。
2.China is regarded as the world's biggest polluter largely because it is adding electrical power production capacity so quickly, most of it based on coal-fired plants. 中國之所以被視為世界上最大的污染髮源地,很大一部分原因是它的電力產能提升得太快,而這些產能多數依靠的是燃煤電廠。
3.Still, in their muddled and heavy-handed way, governments are groping towards the idea of making the polluter pay by internalising the cost of responsible waste disposal. 儘管各國政府對廢棄物處理管理混亂而且方法嚴厲,但扔在努力摸索,使污染者主動承擔垃圾處理費用。