n. hymnody
psalmody['sɑ:mədi]n. 讚美詩;聖歌吟唱;讚美詩集
psalmody 讚美詩;聖詠吟唱。;聖歌吟唱;詩篇本;hymnal hymnbook psalmody 讚美詩集;anthem chant chorale hymn hymnology psalmody 讚美詩;
1."It is refreshing both to the spirits and to the body to indulge in psalmody, in befitting seasons, " returned the master of song. 「是的,在適宜的時候,縱情唱唱聖詩,對一個人的身心都是大有好處的。」歌唱大師答道。
2.Afflict your flesh with fasting and vigils. Devote yourself diligently to psalmody and prayer, and holiness in chastity will come upon you and bring love. 用禁食與守夜來砥礪你的肉身,全心全意勤奮地投入祈禱與唱誦讚美詩,那麼,善行之中的神性,將會降臨在你心中,帶給你無限的愛。
3.Advanced Study of the psalmody, hymnody, and worship traditions of the Church, practical exercises in the use of the hymn, planning and conducting various types of services, and field trips. 研究教會在傳統上的崇拜形態中教會領袖如何培養崇拜小組來運用聖詩、計劃和主持各種的聚會。