r. purely ,rigorously ,stringently
strictly['striktli]adv. 嚴格地;完全地;確實地
strictly 嚴格地;嚴格的,嚴謹的;明確的;嚴格的;strictly speaking 嚴格地說,;嚴格來說;演講的藝術;嚴格地說;strictly monotonic 嚴格單調;strictly decreasing 嚴格減少的;嚴格遞減;strictly convexity 嚴格凸性;
1.In product quality aspect we company strictly according to GMP quality system execution. 在產品質量方面我們公司嚴格按照GMP質量體系執行。
2.Conclusion PFM crown and bridge repair of the production process to strictly abide by the norms of operation to ensure that the quality of repair. 結論金屬烤瓷冠橋修復體的製作過程中,必須嚴格遵守臨床操作規範的要求,以確保修復體的質量。
3.We must perfect legislation, strengthen land levy by law, strictly limit the abuse of land levy power and rescue damaged right on time and protect private property right. 因此,完善相關立法,加強依法徵收,限制徵收權濫用,及時救濟受損的被徵收農民土地權益,從而加強對私有財產權保護。
Sorry, I just like to watch almost all kinds of ball games. I'm strictly spectator. - 對不起,我僅僅喜歡觀看幾乎所有的球類比賽,我是個十足的觀眾。
The specification must be strictly adhered to. - 必須嚴格按照說明書上的做。
The machines will be made of the best materials and the stipulations of the contract be strictly observed. - 機器將用最好的材料生產,合同的規定也將得以嚴格履行。
Full details regarding packing and marking must be strictly observed. - 請嚴格遵守包裝及商標的細則。
and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echo-location in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role. - 我們只要看一看蝙蝠回聲定位這一極不尋常的發現,就可以探究一下聲音在什麼情況下有絕對的實用價值。
strictly confined to bed - 絕對臥床