Lenovo Notebooks 電腦:;lenovo Ideapad V450G-TFO 聯想V450G-TFO;
1.understands and applies knowledge of lenovo products and solutions, leveraging lsm (lenovo selling method), to help the business partner meet business objectives. 瞭解產品特性,運用銷售方法和策略,幫助合作夥伴完成業務目標。
2.The country's brightest anglophiles gathered in Shanghai on Friday to contest the 14th "21st Century Lenovo Cup" sponsored by China Daily. 由中國日報承辦的第十四屆「21世紀-聯想杯聚集了全國的英語學習愛好者,於上週五在上海舉行。
3.The picture shows the Lenovo Operating Centre building in Bratislava , the capital of Slovakia. 圖為位於斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉發的聯想客戶運營中心大樓。
4.TOP sponsorship will allow Lenovo to be the exclusive computer equipment provider for the XX Olympic Winter Games in Torino in 2006, and the Games of the XXIX Olympic in Beijing in 200
8. 奧林匹克合作夥伴計劃允許聯想成為2006年都靈冬奧會和2008年北京奧運會的專門電腦設備供應商。
5.The Olympic Torch PC, a version of Lenovo's Tianyi notebook line for consumers, is black and red, with a decorative cloud motif on the top cover. 作為聯想天逸系列筆記本電腦中的一款,奧運火炬個人電腦紅黑相間,外觀以祥雲為主要基調。