





r. fresh ,freshly ,newly ,recentlya. fresh ,newfangled ,raw ,unexampled


a. old ,worn


New[nju:, nu:]adj. 新的,新鮮的;更新的;初見的adv. 新近


New 新建;建立新項目;新的;新建文件;New Jersey 新澤西州;新澤西;紐澤西;美國新澤西州;New View 新視圖;新建浮動畫面顯示區;新視野;新觀點;New Morning 清晨;初晨;新的一天;新的早晨;New Mexico 新墨西哥州;


1.I only want you for New year! 我只要你做為我得新年禮物!

2.I only want you for New year! 我只要你作為俺的新年禮物!

3.Why do they want a new house? 為什麼他們想要一幢新房子?


I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on Dec. 24. - 我們一個10天的旅行團還有空位,12月24號離開紐約。

OK. Let's choose the deal at 300 dollars per set CIF New York. - 好吧。讓我們以紐約到岸價格每台300元成交。

Are you new in town? - 你是新來本地的嗎?

Welcome to New York. - 歡迎你來紐約。

I've been in China to work on the new project. - 我一直在中國搞一個新項目。

Oh, I see. I've had lots of work to do in New York. - 哦,原來如此。我在紐約也有好多工作要做。

You'll see. I'd like to propose a toast to our new workmate. - 你馬上會明白。我想要大家為我們的新工友敬一杯酒。

And the new drawings for the toy spaceship. - 還有玩具太空船的新草圖。

We have a new artist. - 我們找來了一位新的美工人員。

We'll live in New York. - 我們會住在 New York。

By the power vested in me by the laws of the State of New York, - 憑著紐約州法律賦予我的權力,

Unbelievable. I've got to read her new book as soon as it comes out. - 真了不起。她的新書一出版我就得讀一讀。

Besides Chinese New Year, what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar? - 農曆新年以外還有什麼節日?

I need a new toothbrush. My old one's worn out. - 我需要一支新牙刷。舊的用壞了。

I need a new supply of razors and shaving cream. - 我需要新的剃鬚刀和剃鬚膏。

That guy has a new job every week. - 這傢伙一個星期換一個工作。

I want to buy a sleeper ticket to New York. - 我想買張到紐約的臥鋪票。

When does the next train leave for New York? - 到紐約的下一趟火車什麼時候開車?

Let's get some new drapes for the windows. - 我們需要一些落地窗簾來裝飾窗戶。

The carpet's worn out. Let's put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. - 地毯已很破舊了, 我們需要裝一套新的。

We hope you're successful in your new post. - 我們希望你在新的崗位上成功。

How much for a one-way ticket to New York? - 去紐約的單程票多少錢?

Give me two tickets to New York. - 請給我兩張去紐約的票。

Today I'm so happy; I found a new boyfriend. - 今天我很高興,我又找了個新男朋友。

I've found a new job with another company. - 我在另一個公司裡找到了一份新工作。

I'm a foreign student, and I'd like to make some new friends. - 我是個外國學生, 我想交幾個新朋友。

I'm new here, can you help me find my way around? - 我是新來的,你能帶我轉轉嗎?

Well, welcome to New York. - 噢 歡迎你們到紐約來。

Are you from New York? - 是從紐約來的嗎?

Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street,Riverdale, New York. - Richard Stewart 林登街46號,Riverdale,紐約"。

Special for new friends. - 特地為新朋友準備的。

I'm the vice-president of new toy development. - 我是負責新玩具開發的副總裁。

It's a bonsai tree for your new apartment. - 這是一顆盆栽,祝賀你遷新居。

It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place. - 總是需要一段時間才能適應一個新的環境。

Do you live in New York? - 住在紐約嗎?

He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me. - 他走不開 沒辦法和我一起來紐約。

and shipped it to my children in New York. - 運到我孩子那兒去了 他們住在紐約。

Do you have family in New York? - 在紐約有親人嗎?

No, no. But I do have very close friends in New York City. - 沒有。我在紐約有很要好的朋友。

You said you have family in New York. - 你說你在紐約有親人。

Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City. - 我們很高興報告諸位 Amtrak火車就要到達紐約了。

That's right. And have a good time in New York. - 對。祝你在紐約玩得愉快。

I am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard. - 我太累了。我那新的健身班太難了。

Your new exercise class? - 你的新健身班

Yeah. My new advanced exercise class. - 對, 新的高級健身班。

I have a new math program, and I want to learn how to use it. - 我有一個新的數學程式 我想學習怎樣用。

Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful. Robbie - Robbie 這個新的隨身聽真棒。

Hey, I wanted you to hear my new sound system - 嘿,我正想讓你聽聽我的新音響。

I want you to hear my new tapes. - 我給你聽我的新錄音帶。

I've got some great new dance music. - 我有幾卷很好的新舞曲。


fungoid new growth on the lips - 唇菌

ball-shaped new growth of the throat - 喉球

treatment of new Chinese medicine - 新中醫療法

new castle disease - 新城疫

acuter and seasonal febrile disease; new affection - 新感

activation of latent pathogen by mew affection; activation of latent pathogen by new affection - 新感引動伏邪

n. New Jersey process - 新澤西方法

n. New Jersey process - 新澤西法

n. New Jersey re tort process - 新澤西蒸餾法

neonate; neonatus; new born; newborn - 新生兒

neonate bed; new born bady bed - 新生兒床

gnostic sensations; new sensations - 新生感覺

new spongy bone - 新生海綿狀骨質

neoformation; neoplasm; neoplasma; new growth; newgrowth - 新生物

new case - 新病例

n. new iron-making method - 新的制鐵法

n. new alloy - 新的合金

n. new vein - 新的脈

anatuberculin; new tuberculin - 新結核菌素

new coccine - 新胭脂紅

patients in new england sanatorium - 新英格蘭療養院病人中輻射誘發的

new drug - 新藥

clinical evaluation of new drug - 新藥臨床評價

new drug screening - 新藥篩試

new drug design - 新藥設計

new acupuncture therapy - 新針療法

n. new casting product - 新鑄造產品

n. new ceramic - 新陶瓷

n. new ceramics joint coupler - 新陶瓷連接器

new bone proliferation - 新骨增生

new compilation of materia medica - 本草從新

n. New Jersey re tort process - 澤西反應罐直接還原法

knot; neoplasm; new growth; newgrowth; non-chromaffin paraganglioma; tumor - 瘤

investigational new drugs - 試驗中的新藥物

a new lease of life - 重生

new growth like birds tongue - 雀舌

new bone formation of cortex - 骨皮質新骨形成


n.重生 - a new lease of life

n.新感引動伏邪 - activation of latent pathogen by new affection

n.喉球 - ball-shaped new growth of the throat

n.新藥臨床評價 - clinical evaluation of new drug

n.唇菌 - fungoid new growth on the lips

調查新藥劑 - investigational new drug

n.試驗中的新藥物 - investigational new drugs

新藥劑識別滿意 - judging for new drugs approval

n.新英格蘭療養院病人中輻射誘發的 - patients in new england sanatorium

n.新中醫療法 - treatment of new Chinese medicine

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