





n. secernment


secretion[si'kri:ʃən]n. 分泌;分泌物;藏匿;隱藏


secretion 分泌;分泌物;釋放;空隙充填;cotranslational secretion 共翻譯分泌[蛋白質邊翻譯邊通過內質網膜的過程;共翻譯分泌;釋義:共翻譯分泌[蛋白質邊翻譯邊通過內質網膜的過程;lateral secretion 側分泌;側脈填隙;constitutive secretion 固有分泌;釋義:固有分泌;episodic secretion 陣髮式分泌[如下丘腦和垂體激素;陣髮式分泌;釋義:陣髮式分泌;


1.Esomeprazole is a new member of proton pump inhibitors(PPI) with strong suppressive effects on gastric acid secretion. 埃索美拉唑是新一代質子泵抑制劑成員,有較強的抑制胃酸分泌效應。

2.Diabetes is due to the secretion of insulin and the role of defects caused by elevated blood sugar metabolic disease characterized. 其他答案糖尿病是由於胰島素分泌及作用缺陷引起的以血糖升高為特徵的代謝病。

3.The secretion of recombinant protein to periplasm or extracellular medium has more advantages than the expression intracellular as inclusion bodies. 重組蛋白分泌到周質空間或胞外培養基中較之在胞內以包含體形式表達有許多優勢。


secretion phase; secretory period; secretory phase - 分泌期

examination of secretion stains - 分泌液斑檢驗

secretion curette - 分泌物刮匙

secretion rate - 分泌率

normalizing the secretion and discharge of bile - 利膽通腸

uterine secretion scoop - 子宮分泌物匙

neonate secretion suction apparatus - 新生兒分泌物吸引器

arresting of secretion and control of bleeding; hemostasis with astringents - 止濕

cortisol secretion rate - 皮質醇分泌率

secretion in the eyes - 眼眵

hormone secretion of carcinoid tumor - 類癌瘤激素分泌

abnormality of secretion of gastrin - 胃素分泌異常

aldosterone secretion rate - 醛固酮分泌率

aldosterone secretion defect - 醛固酮分泌缺陷

abnormality of secretion of glucagon - 高血糖素分泌異常


異常胃液分泌,胃液分泌異常 - abnormal gastric secretion

n.淚分泌異常 - abnormal lacrimal secretion

n.胃素分泌異常 - abnormality of secretion of gastrin

n.高血糖素分泌異常 - abnormality of secretion of glucagon

n.主動分泌 - active secretion

醛甾酮分泌 - aldosterone secretion

n.醛固酮分泌缺陷 - aldosterone secretion defect

n.醛固酮分泌率 - aldosterone secretion rate

n.羊膜分泌 - amniotic secretion

n.頂漿分泌 - apocrine secretion

n.止濕 - arresting of secretion and control of bleeding

增強分泌 - augmented secretion

膽汁分泌藥 - bile secretion

n.細胞分泌 - cell secretion

n.胃液分泌頭期 - cephalic phase of gastric secretion

子宮頸分泌物 - cervical secretion

n.斷乳,回乳 - cessation of milk secretion

化學內分泌療法 - chemical internal secretion therapy

n.結合膜分泌物 - conjunctival secretion

合泌型 - conjunctive secretion type

n.皮質醇分泌率 - cortisol secretion rate

日分泌量 - daily secretion rate

n.甲狀腺降鈣素分泌障礙 - disorder of thyrocalcetonin secretion

n.異位激素分泌 - ectopic hormone secretion

n.前列腺液檢查 - examination of prostatic secretion

n.分泌液斑檢驗 - examination of secretion stains

興奮分泌耦連 - excitation secretion coupling

n.胞吐分泌 - exocytosis secretion

n.外分泌 - external secretion

n.胃酸分泌 - gastric acid secretion

n.胃液分泌胃期 - gastric phase of gastric secretion

n.胃液分泌 - gastric secretion

n.胃腸道分泌 - gastro-intestinal secretion

n.腺分泌 - glandular secretion

n.全漿分泌,腺溶分泌 - holocrine secretion

n.同質分泌物 - homogenous secretion

n.類癌瘤激素分泌 - hormone secretion of carcinoid tumor

n.體液分泌 - humoral secretion

內分泌 - internal secretion

n.胃液分泌腸期 - intestinal phase of gastric secretion

n.小腸分泌 - intestinal secretion

分泌性血液 - kinetics of secretion

n.乳汁分泌 - milk secretion

n.粘液分泌 - mucous secretion

n.新生兒分泌物吸引器 - neonate secretion suction apparatus

n.利膽通腸 - normalizing the secretion and discharge of bile

n.口腔分泌物 - oral secretion

胰分泌 - pancreas secretion

n.胰液分泌 - pancreatic secretion

麻痺性分泌 - paralytic secretion

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