Japan lies to the east of China in the east of Asia It faces the Pacific on the east 日本在亞洲東部(),中國東面(),東臨太平洋()。;East wind day produces Xiao guest and east wind this cropland CRV which better 東風日產逍客和東風本田CRV哪個好一些;north east by east 東北東;north east by east 東北東;south-east Formosan red-bellied tree squirrel 黑背條腹松鼠;
1.In South America, the northwest, west by the Pacific Ocean, north Caribbean, East and Venezuela, the South East with Brazil, South and Peru, Ecuador, Panama and adjacent to the northwest. 在南美洲西北部,西瀕太平洋,北臨加勒比海,東同委內瑞拉,東南同巴西,南與秘魯、厄瓜多爾,西北與巴拿馬為鄰。
2."East Coast" is located in CBD, Lufthansa and Lido shopping district which borders the three points - Balizhuang, Chaoyang District, east, west to the East Fourth Ring Bridge, Chaoyang north south … 「東岸」 位於CBD、燕莎及麗都三大商圈接壤點——朝陽區東八里莊,西靠東四環橋、南鄰朝陽北 …
3.The lodgment : Beijing Nanhang Hotel, RMB 300Yuan/ day (including the morning). No. 2, South Road, East Third Ring, Chaoyang District, Beijing ( south-east of the International Trade Flyover. 會議住宿:北京南航大酒店,標準間300元人民幣/日(含早),北京市朝陽區東三環南路2號(國貿立交橋東南側),住宿費由酒店收取。
4.AYD head office is situated in South East Queensland Australia with a representative office soon to open in South East Asia. AYD總部設在昆士蘭的東南部,很快將在東南亞設立另一辦事處。
5.First, has 4 in the east South Africa common market is the East African Bloc member, but also some 8 are South African Development Community members; 首先,在東南非共同市場中有4個是東非共同體成員,還有8個是南共體成員;