





South-West by South 西南偏南;South Sea Islands the South Sea Islands 南太平洋諸島;South-West by South 西南偏南;South Sea Islands the South Sea Islands 南太平洋諸島;south asian aborigine 釋義:南亞土著人;


1.They reiterate that South-South cooperation enjoys important comparative advantages and complements rather than replaces North-South cooperation. 我們重申,南南合作具有重要的比較優勢,是南北合作的補充而不是替代。

2.A vast plain of south-central South America. The Pampas extend for about1, 610 km(1, 000 mi) from the lower Paran River to south-central Argentina. 潘帕斯草原南美洲中南部的大平原。潘帕斯草原從較低的巴拉那河到阿享蒂帕中南部延伸大約1,610公里(1,000英里)

3.As the business grows, the current scope of the company's services and South Africa have been extended to the northeast, east, and South Africa, South-West areas. 隨著業務的擴展,目前中南公司服務範圍已延伸到東北、華東、中南、西南等地區。

4.South Africans wait near the stadium entrance a few hours before the Fifa Confederations Cup football match Spain vs South Africa on June 20, 2009 in Bloemfontein, South Africa. 南非等待體育場入口處附近的幾個小時之前,國際足聯聯合會杯足球賽西班牙與南非2009年6月20號在南非布隆方丹。

5.In South America, the northwest, west by the Pacific Ocean, north Caribbean, East and Venezuela, the South East with Brazil, South and Peru, Ecuador, Panama and adjacent to the northwest. 在南美洲西北部,西瀕太平洋,北臨加勒比海,東同委內瑞拉,東南同巴西,南與秘魯、厄瓜多爾,西北與巴拿馬為鄰。


Welcome to the South Street restaurant, folks. - 歡迎光臨南街餐館, 各位。

My address is 36 South 75th street, Apartment 10. - 我的地址是南七十五街三十六號10號房。

Do you know anything about South American culture? - 你瞭解南美洲的文化嗎?

I'm writing to a friend of mine in South American. - 我在寫信給一個美國南部的朋友。

He dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands. - 他曾夢想到遙遠的南海諸島去旅遊。

They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. - 他們正期待從南非來的一個裝著鑽石的貴重包裹。

After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. - 在離開法國南部的一個小村莊後,我繼續駛往下一個城鎮。

In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E.Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. - 美國探險家 R。伯德在飛越北極3年之後,於1929年第一次飛越了南極。

Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. - 伯德這時知道他能夠順利飛抵300英里以外的南極了,因為前面再沒有山了。

a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. - 那是南太洋中一個很偏僻的小島,位於薩摩亞群島以西,距離群島還有很長一段距離。

My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. - 我的父母曾經住在南美洲,所以假期裡我常從歐洲乘飛機到他們那裡。

Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. - 後來,「水晶宮」被移到了倫敦南部。

When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. - 當倫敦動物園接到報告說,在倫敦以南45英里處發現一隻美洲獅時,這些報告並沒有受到重視。

The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23,000 inhabitants in South Dakota. - 這戶人家住在南達科他州一個人口為23,000 的小鎮上,鎮名為阿拜丁。

One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in grass field in the south of England, - 一位研究蜘蛛的權威對英國南部一塊草坪上的蜘蛛作了一次調查。

My boss is leaving for South Korea. - 我老闆馬上要去韓國。

Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. - 華北、華南大部分地區將寒冷潮濕。

Sheep farms are found on the more hilly South Island. - 但在多山的南島丘陵地區人們也會發現牧羊場。

On his return to India he had the chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case. - 一回到印度,他就得到一個去南非辦理一樁法律案件的機會。

At this period Indians living in South Africa were badly treated by South African whites, and very few of them had the right to vote. - 在那一時期,居住在南非的印度人受到南非白人的虐待,他們當中有選舉權的寥寥無幾。

When he returned to India he spoke in public about the situation in South Africa. - 當他加到印度之後,他還就南非的形勢公開發表演說。

Finally, as a result of the unrest among the Indian population, the leader of South Africa had to give in. - 但由於印度居民中的這一場騷亂,最終,南非首腦不得不屈服。

If an unfair law existed, - and there were many that had been passed by the British rulers in India and South Africa - it was the duty of everyone to disobey this law, but without using violence. - 如果存在一個不公平的法律--而且在印度與南非的英國統治者已經通過了許多這樣的法律--那麼不遵守這一法律是每個人的責任,但不要使用暴力。


south american trypanosomiasis - 南美洲錐蟲病

south american blastomycosis - 南美芽生菌病

chagas disease; south american trypanosomiasis - 恰加斯式病


n.印跡法 - southern south

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