suburbanites[sə'bə:bə,nait]n. 郊區居民
1.Young couples in high-rise flats would see ads for small runabouts, suburbanites would be encouraged to buy minivans. 住在高層的年輕夫妻將會從小型汽車看到廣告,而郊區居民會被鼓勵購買小型貨車。
2.Its main business is lending to and taking in deposits from the industrial and commercial sectors as well as savings from the urbanites and suburbanites. 它的主要業務是對工商行業投放貸款,並從那裡吸收存款以及從城市和 郊區居民 中吸收儲蓄。
3.Photos of fashionably dressed suburbanites toting their kids, cargo, and even a pet on Honda 50s ran with the tagline, "You meet the nicest people on a Honda." 照片的時髦穿著郊區居民toting他們的孩子,貨物,甚至是寵物跑50多歲的本田的標語:「你最好的人滿足於本田。」