cersabbr. 應急聯動系統(Coaltion Emergency Response System);核證的溫室減排量(Certified Emissions Reductions)
CERs 核證減排量;經核證減排量;減排量;西爾斯風;CERs certified emission reductions 核證的減排量;CERs Certified Emission Reduction 經認證的排放減量;influen Marketing cers 影響者;
1.Transfer of property. The payment for CERs follows delivery. CER的買賣通常是先交付後付款。
2.The problem with the sale was that Hungarian firms had already used the CERs to offset their own emissions. 問題是,匈牙利出售的碳權是企業用過的,抵消碳排放的許可已失效。
3.The Japanese government and big corporates have been active in buying U. N. carbon offsets called CERs to try to help the nation meet its Kyoto target. 日本政府和大企業一直積極參與聯合國購買碳抵消所謂的核證的排減量努力幫助民族滿足其京都目標。