drastic['dræstik]adj. 激烈的;猛烈的n. 烈性瀉藥
drastic 激烈的;劇烈的;劇瀉藥;急劇的;drastic fluctuations 大起大落;drastic measures 極端的措施;極端的法子;端的措施;極端的辦法;drastic purgative 峻瀉藥;劇瀉劑;峻下劑;劇瀉劑,劇瀉劑,峻瀉藥,峻瀉藥;drastic innovation 突破性創新;
1.Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of the country. 為了改進該國的政府,激烈的改革是必須的。
2.If you want better health, you don't need to do anything drastic , you can simply drink more water. 如果你想更健康,那你不需要做任何激烈的事情,你只需要多喝水就可以拉。
3.Coagulation of such systems requires rather drastic treatment with massive doses of coagulant salts. 凝聚這種體系時需要用大量凝結劑鹽類進行相當激烈的處理。
drastic purgative - 劇瀉劑
drastic method - 劇烈的療法
drastic pugation; drastic purgation - 峻下
removing blood stasis with drastic drugs - 破血
the drastic actions of a drug - 藥的烈性
pungent and cool and drastic prescription - 辛涼重劑
n.辛涼重劑 - pungent and cool and drastic prescription
n.破血 - removing blood stasis with drastic
n.破血 - removing blood stasis with drastic drugs
n.藥的烈性 - the drastic actions of a drug