Homebrewed 家釀的;
1.The hordes of biology graduates leaving university hoping to become biotechnology start-up millionaires are the most likely to be tempted by homebrewed biotechnology. 最為家庭生物技術所吸引的,是那群剛從大學生物專業畢業的學生,他們憧憬著通過創立生物技術企業發家致富。
2.The hordes of biology graduates leaving university hoping to become biotechnology start-up millionaires are the most likely to be tempted by homebrewed biotechnology. 自造生物技術吸引著大批渴望成為新生代百萬富翁的生物系畢業生。
3.The hordes of biology graduates leaving university hoping to become biotechnology start-up millionaires are the most likely to be tempted by homebrewed biotechnology. 一批批生物專業的畢業生離開大學,他們希望依靠生物技術白手起家成為百萬富翁。這些人最有可能對家庭作坊式的生物技術實驗室感興趣。