sashaying[sæ'ʃei, sai'ʃei]vi. 滑步而走;到處走動vt. 使走動;使行進n. 遠足;一種方塊舞;快滑舞步
1.We used to sashay after supper. 過去我們總是在晚飯後去散步。
2.The days of sashaying out to smart hotels for Christmas banquets are over: this year people want to stay at home with their families. 那些走出家門、到時髦酒店吃聖誕大餐的日子已成為過去:今年,人們想與家人一起呆在家裡。
3.The West introduced hybrid steps from other social dances for "sashaying", as well as the device of occasionally having boys lift their partners from the ground during the "swing". 西部地區從其他交誼舞中引進了混合舞步如「快滑舞步」,旋轉時男方偶爾將舞伴托起。