n. delirium tremens
dtsabbr. 數據傳輸系統( Data Transformation Services);數字化影院系統(Digital Theater System);對話終端系統(Dialog Terminal System);詳細的試驗說明書(Detailed Test Specification)
DTS 數據轉換服務;Data Transformation Services;數字化影院系統;Digital Theater Systems;DTS DigitalTuningSystem 數字調諧系統;DTS DataTransferSystem 數據傳送系統;DTS DialogTerminalSystem 對話終端系統;Dts wave 音樂格式;
1.This paper describes a new topology processor based on width-priority for dynamic simulation in dispatcher training simulator (DTS). 提出一種用於調度員培訓仿真器(DTS)動態過程仿真的、廣度優先的快速拓撲搜索以及跟蹤、修正算法。
2.The utilization of DTS system in Guangxi Electric power grid for strengthening education s of dispatchers and developing studies about system operation, etc has made significant effects. 廣西電網DTS系統的投入使用在加強調度員培訓、提高其技能以及開展電力系統運行研究、分析等方面發揮了重要的作用。
3.As for the STS/DTS replacement, Shannon said the car would need to be bigger than the STS though it still needs to be fuel-efficient and meet toughening global standards for fuel economy. 至於的STS/DTS一體化更換,香農說,汽車將需要大於街雖然它仍然需要燃油效率,並滿足全球標準增韌燃油經濟性。