





acreage evaluation 探區評價;Adversary Evaluation 對手式評價;Educational Measurement ands Evaluation 教育衡量及評估;Anecdotal evaluation 逸事考評;evaluation apprehension 評價顧忌;評價恐懼;評鑑憂慮;


1.The traditional teaching quality evaluation system is optimized from angles of evaluation index, evaluation method and evaluation personnel. 從評價指標、評價方法、評價人員等角度對傳統教學質量評價體系進行優化。

2.Aiming at the weakness of traditional evaluation methods, traffic conflict technique and fuzzy synthetic evaluation were introduced into grade crossing safety evaluation. 針對傳統的平面交叉口安全評價方法存在的缺陷,將交通衝突技術和模糊綜合評價方法引入其中。

3.The former type of evaluation is done by the National Computer Security Center (NCSC)through the Trusted Product Evaluation Program and is called "formal product evaluation." 前一種評估類型是國家計算機安全性中心(NCSC)通過可信的產品評估程序來實現的,並且被叫「正式產品評估。」

4.Absolute evaluation is superior to relative evaluation and the absence of evaluation on mastery goal, self-efficacy and anxiety. 研究結果發現:不同評價情境描述組掌握目標、自我效能感、焦慮差異顯著。

5.credit risk ; risk-based loan classification ; evaluation system ; financial index evaluation ; predictive index evaluation. 01信貸風險;貸款風險分類;評價體系;財務指標評價;預測指標評價。


evaluation of physical fitness - 體力評價

analytic evaluation curve; analytical evaluation curve - 分析評價曲線

simulation and evaluation of chemical synthesis - 化學合成的模擬和評價

safety evaluation of chemicals - 化學物安全評價

perspective evaluation of radial keratotomy - 放射狀角膜切開術的評價

clinical evaluation of new drug - 新藥臨床評價

evaluation test of column - 柱評價試驗

test and evaluation laboratory - 測試鑒定實驗室

evaluation of therapeutic efficiency; therapeutic evaluation - 療效評價

psychiatric evaluation profile - 精神病測定圖

automatic checkout and evaluation system - 自動檢測和估算系統

evaluation of training condition - 訓練狀態評定


n.分析評價曲線 - analytic evaluation curve

n.分析評價曲線 - analytical evaluation curve

n.自動檢測和估算系統 - automatic checkout and evaluation system

遺傳子治療臨床研究中央評價會議 - Central Evaluation Council for Gene Therapy Clinical Res.

臨床評價 - clinical evaluation

n.新藥臨床評價 - clinical evaluation of new drug

身體障礙評價 - disability evaluation

n.消毒劑評定 - disinfectant evaluation

藥品評估,藥物評估 - drug evaluation

n.決定性藥物評價 - final drug evaluation

n.食品衛生質量鑒定 - food quality evaluation

保健風險預測報告 - health hazard evaluation report

營養估計 - nutritional evaluation

n.放射狀角膜切開術的評價 - perspective evaluation of radial keratotomy

n.術後評價 - post-operative evaluation

n.初步鑒定 - preliminary evaluation

手術前評估 - preoperative evaluation

n.精神病測定圖 - psychiatric evaluation profile

n.安全評價 - safety evaluation

n.化學物安全評價 - safety evaluation of chemicals

感覺評佑 - sensory evaluation

n.化學合成的模擬和評價 - simulation and evaluation of chemical synthesis

n.勞損評價 - strain evaluation

n.技術鑒定 - technical evaluation

n.試驗及鑒定 - test and evaluation

n.測試鑒定實驗室 - test and evaluation laboratory

n.療效評價 - therapeutic evaluation

n.甲狀腺素測定 - thyroid hormone evaluation

泌尿道感染藥放評價基準 - UTI drug efficacy evaluation standard

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