told[təuld]v. 告訴(tell的過去式);講述
told 告述;告訴;告訴的;講,告訴;all told 全部容;合計;總共;全船船員;twice told 講過兩次的;陳舊的;told off 斥責;分派;told noses 單憑人數決定問題;清點人數;
1.Three survivors told us in detail how the regiment was annihilated by the enemy. 三個生還者詳細地告訴了我們軍團是如何被敵人消滅的。
2.But I told him. I said. I said the trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. 不過我告訴他了。我說了。我說馴服野獸的秘訣就是要知道怎樣做才能讓他安靜下來。
3."I still think that these three original suspects still know more than what they told us, " he said. 「我至今還認為,這三個最初的嫌疑人知道的東西比告訴我們的還多得多。」他說。
Now he's got his own trading company. Ann told me he made four million dollars last year. - 現在他已有自己的貿易公司。安告訴我他去年賺了400萬美元。
Richard told us all about you. - Richard跟我們談起你 。
He told me he was very impressed with you. - 他告訴我他對你印象很好。
Susan has told me a great deal about you. - Susan告訴我許多關於你的事。
Yes, I told Daddy to pick blue ones. - 是的。我告訴爸爸選藍色的。
And I didn't sleep well, Daddy told me. - 而我總是睡不好。爸爸告訴我的。
Mrs. Montefiore told me that - Montefiore太太告訴我
Pete wrote us and told us. - Pete寫信告訴我們的。
He told me to call him about my project, - 他叫我打電話給他, 跟他談我的作品計劃,
I told you. - 我告訴過你了。
I told you. He'll use any excuse to avoid math. - 我說嘛 ,他就是要找各種藉口來逃避數學。
From what Robbie and Alexandra have told me, - 從Robbie和Alexandra告訴我的情況, 看來
She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled, - 她告訴Robbie說 她明天的班機取消了
When I told them - 當我告訴他們
Well, Robbie told me when he gave me this. - 嗯,當Robbie送給我這個的時候他告訴了我。
I told you you'd like it. I've been doing this for years. - 我告訴過你你會喜歡的。我多年來一直從事這項活動。
Helen has told me all about you. - 海倫對我將了好多你的事兒。
You won't believe what Tome just told me. - 湯姆剛才告訴我的事會嚇你
Someone told me you're the computer expert around here. Weel, I have a question for you... - 有人告訴我你在這裡是計算機專家,我有個疑難想請教你。。。
As I told you before, my door is always open. - 正如我以前跟你說的一樣,我們的門永遠都是敞開的。
A little bird told me that Tony was going to be fired. - 消息靈通人士告訴我他要被炒魷魚了。
They told me that you had quit. - 他們告訴我你辭職了。
She told the boss the was quitting. - 她告訴老闆說她打算辭職。
Second, the bank called and told me I would have to keep up with my car payments or I might lose the car. - 其次銀行通知我得繼續支付小汽車的貸款,否則我將會失去小汽車。
What would you do if I told you I was going to quit my job? - 如果我告訴你我準備辭職,你會怎麼辦?
I told him that if he tried to remove the fence it would be over my dead body. - 我告訴他,除非我死了不然他從從休想拆掉這道籬笆。
Who told you? - 誰告訴你的?
She told me she wanted to start a company. - 她告訴我她想開公司。
He told me to take these pills every four hours. - 他告訴了我每4小時吃一次這些藥片。
What would you say if I told you I couldn't go with you? - 如果我告訴了你我不能和你一起去你將說什麼?
I have been told you have just changed the interest rate on savings accounts. Is that true? - 聽說你們儲蓄率剛調過,是真的嗎?
I told you, my mom could beat your pop. - 告訴你,我媽要把你爸揍一頓。
Cathy has told me so much about you. - 我常常聽到凱茜提到你。
The story Sam told wasn't very funny. - 薩姆的故事一點意思也沒有。
I told him last Tuesday. - 我上個星期二告訴他。
I told him to come in and rest for a while. - 我告訴他進來休息一下。
I told him to come in and wait here. - 我告訴他進來在這裡等。
I told him to come in for a few minutes. - 我告訴他進來等幾分鐘。
I told him to come in while waiting. - 我告訴他進來等一下。
I told him to stay for lunch. - 我告訴他留下來吃午餐。
I told him to stay for supper. - 我告訴他留下來吃晚餐。
I told him to stay for the weekend. - 我告訴他留下來度週末。
I told him to stay overnight. - 我告訴他留下來住一夜。
I told him to stay till he calls. - 我告訴他留下來等他打電話來。
I told him to stay till he comes back. - 我告訴他留下來等他回來。
Whoever told you that was just joking. - 無論是誰告訴你的,反正都是開玩笑。
Ask no questions and you will be told no lies. - 如果你少問,謊言就難進。
See? I told you! - 我就跟你說吧!
The cruelest lies are often told in silence. - 最殘酷的謊言常以沈默的方式說出。
They gave me a FORM and told me to fill it out. - 他們給我一張表讓我填。