outflung['aut'flʌŋ]adj. 扔出的;張開的
1.And then Simon saw that what she had cradled, that which now dangled from an outflung hand, was a doll… a doll made from reeds and leaves and twining stems of grass. 這時,Simon看清了她剛才抱的是什麼,那個東西在她張開的一隻手中,搖擺著,那是一隻玩偶……那只玩偶是用蘆葦和樹葉編成的,上面纏繞著草莖。
2.Sometimes he woke and watched her as she slept: the flutter of her eyelids, the slow even movement of her chest, her outflung hand, small enough that he could enclose it completely with his own. 有時他醒來看著沉睡中的她,她的眼睫毛輕輕眨動,胸脯緩慢而平穩地起伏,一隻手伸到一旁,小巧得能讓他完全握住。