begrudgingadj. 勉強的;吝惜的;妒忌的v. 妒忌;羨慕;捨不得給(begrudge的ing形式)
begrudging 吝惜;
1.Trying to hold on to your money or agonising over it and begrudging spending it reveals that you are too attached. 要抓住錢不放、或者為錢而傷心及在花錢上的吝惜都表明你太依戀金錢。
2.He picked it up and pried at the metal until, with a begrudging squeak, the plate tilted upward on a rust-and-salt-stiffened hinge. 他拾了起來,試著去捅那個金屬板,直到金屬板抱怨著發出一聲尖叫,被這生銹的帶著鹹味兒的僵硬的絞鏈挑著,向上斜斜翹起。
3.Carragher is a begrudging admirer of the way Alex Ferguson's side have pulled results out of the bag over the years - and he thinks Liverpool have now found the knack themselves. 卡拉格是有點嫉妒弗格森的球隊很多年都是靠後發制人贏得最後比賽的勝利,現在卡拉格認為利物浦已經找到勝利的訣竅。