fox-brush['fɔksbrʌʃ]n. 狐尾
fox-brush 狐尾;fox brush fox-brush foxtail 狐尾;
1.Fox-brush, set just below the level of the topline, carried in a sickle curve or trailing. 福克斯-畫筆,設定略低於一級的頂級進行了鐮刀曲線或追蹤。
2.The well furred tail of fox-brush shape is set on just below the level of the topline, and is usually carried over the back in a graceful sickle curve when the dog is at attention. 尾巴上的毛很豐富,像狐狸尾巴,恰好位於背線之下,犬立正時尾巴通常以優美的鐮刀形曲線背在背上。
3.Spicate top is unripe, yellow luxuriants piece, jackknife is bunchy, be like langouste, fox-brush, and blossom all the year round, appropriate and potted, also can make flower bed decorate. 穗狀花序頂生,黃色苞片,重疊成串,似龍蝦。狐尾,且常年開花,適宜盆栽,也可作花壇佈置。