manglingv. 矯直;碾壓(mangle的ing形式)
mangling 識別編碼;矯直;鋼板矯平;壓布,軋布;mangling machine 圓壓紙型機;namespaces and name mangling 名字空間和名字壓延;name mangling and namespace 名字壓延和名字空間;mangling and cylinder drying machine 軋筒烘燥機;
1.Bush is no stranger to the occasional faux pas, and often jokes about his habit of mangling the English language. 布什總統愛犯口誤已不是什麼新鮮事,他也常常拿自己愛說錯話的毛病開玩笑。
2.In the final set, Federer fell behind and slammed his racket into the concrete, mangling it and drawing jeers from the crowd. 在決勝盤,本已落後的費德勒在出現失誤後,竟將球拍狠狠砸向地面,球拍頓時扭曲變形,觀眾席上也傳來巨大的噓聲。
3.Wavosaur is a powerful free audio editor for Windows XP, ideal for editing audio clips, sound designing, mastering, audio mangling a… 一個免費的音頻編輯工具。可以編輯音頻剪輯,聲音設計、控制、記錄等等。