





n. baby ,sis


n. blood brother ,brother


sister['sistə]n. 姐妹;修女;護士vt. 姐妹般對待adj. 如同姐妹的


sister 姐妹;姊妹;姐姐、妹妹;姐姐;sister chromatid 姊妹染色單體;姐妹染色單體;姊妹染色單體:染色體複製後由著絲粒連接的兩條姊妹染色單體。;姊妹染色分體;sister ship 姊妹艦;同型船;姐妹船,同型船;姊妹船;Chocotto Sister 我的裘可妹妹;TWISTED SISTER 扭曲姐妹;扭曲的姐妹;一疊四張藍背牌, 一疊四張虹背牌. 觀眾隨意想的花色的牌會互換位置, 其他懶的解釋;搖擺姐妹;

sister的參考例句 sister one's patients 姐妹般地對待自己的病人

2.I visit my sister once a week. 我一星期去拜訪我姊姊一次。

3.The girl in red is my sister. 穿紅衣服的女孩是我的妹妹。


There are four of us including my parents, a younger sister and me. - 有四口人,父母親、妹妹和我。

This is my sister Susan. - 這是我妹妹Susan。

I wake my sister up. - 我叫醒我妹妹。

I dress my sister and wash her hands and face. - 我給我妹妹穿衣服,洗臉洗手。

I pick up my sister from her school. - 我到學校接妹妹。

my sister and her husband and their daughter. - 我妹妹Susan和她丈夫以及他們的女兒。

And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett - 這是我妹妹Susan和她丈夫Harry Bennett

Cindy's sister is coming to stay with her a week from tomorrow. - 辛迪的妹妹從明天起一個星期以後將過來和她住在一起。

Cindy's sister will be staying with her for a week. - 辛迪的姐姐將要陪她一個星期。

Cindy's sister will arrive in eight days. - 辛迪的姐姐八天後將到。

My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight. - 我的妹妹是一九三八年出生的。

My sister is the oldest. - 我的姐姐是最大。

My sister has been engaged for two months. - 我的姐姐訂婚有2個月的時間了

My sister graduated from high school.Graduation was last night. - 我的姐姐從高中畢業了.畢業典禮是昨天晚上。

My sister worked as a secretary before she got married. - 在她結婚了以前,我的姐姐為一位秘書。

But my sister bought this pair last month. - 但是,我姐姐上個月買到了這樣的一雙。

I had a letter from my sister yesterday. - 昨天我收到了姐姐的一封信,

Work on it had begun before my sister left. - 這棟房子在我姐姐離開之前就已動工了,

My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. - 我的妹妹只有7歲,但她總能說出我的畫是好還是壞。

A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. - 幾分鐘前,我妹妹幫我把一個舊書櫥抬上了樓。

'Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. - 「再有不到一個小時你姐姐就要到這兒了,我們得去車站接她。

He could not wash himself or get dressed.Instead, his sister or his parents had to help him. - 他自己不能洗澡或穿衣服,他的姐姐或父母親就只好幫他的忙。

What about your sister Kate? You didn't come together, did you? - 你的妹妹凱特呢?你們不是一起進校的,對不對?

I like looking after my sister's baby, but my sister doesn't let me do it. - 我喜歡照看我姐姐的孩子,但我姐姐卻不讓我做這事。


sister chromosome - 姐妹染色體

sister strand - 姐妹染色分體

sister chromatid - 姐妹染色單體

sister chromatid exchange - 姐妹染色單體互換

sister chromatid exchange test - 姐妹染色單體交換試驗

sister chromatid differentiation - 姐妹染色單體差別染色法


n.雙生姐妹 - twin sister

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