Sistineadj. 羅馬教宗西克斯圖斯的
Sistine 西斯廷;西斯汀;SISTINE CHAPEL 西斯廷教堂;西斯汀教堂;西斯汀禮拜堂;西斯廷禮拜堂;Sistine Chape 西斯廷教堂;西斯廷禮拜堂;Sistine Madonna 西斯廷聖母;西斯汀聖母像;Chapel Sistine 西斯廷禮拜堂;
1.This piece was closely protected by the Vatican and it was not allowed to be sung anywhere but inside the Sistine Chapel. 這首曲子受到梵蒂岡教會的嚴密保護,除了在西斯汀教堂以外,任何地方都不許傳唱此曲。
2.Scanned from an unknown source, a mural near the elevator in a plastic surgeon's office that casts the rider in the role of Adam on the Sistine Chapel. 一整形外科醫生辦公室的電梯旁的壁畫)西斯廷教堂的騎手亞當
3.Our story would be just like the article of a "bright" reporter in the Sistine Chapel who is clever at making up a story but whose elaborated report belittled the sublime subject. 我們的故事會與西斯廷教堂那位「聰明」的記者所寫的那篇語言尖刻、講求時髦的報導如出一轍,為了譁眾取寵,把文章寫得天花亂墜,而把崇高的主題貶低。