benghazin. 班加西(利比亞北部港口城市)
Benghazi 班加西;班加西 利比亞 地中海;班加西 利比亞;Benghazi Region 班加西地區;
1.The United States ordered airs strikes on Tripoli and Benghazi after an attack on a disco in Germany killed three people, including two U. S. servicemen. 在德國發生襲擊迪斯科舞廳事件之後,美國下令對的黎波里和班加西進行空襲。襲擊造成三個人死亡,其中包括兩名美國軍人。
2.While condemning al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden, he implied there was little difference between bin Laden's terror attacks and the U. S. strike on Tripoli and Benghazi in 198
6. 他在譴責基地組織和本。拉登的同時,還暗示本。拉登的恐怖襲擊和美國1986年對的黎波里和班加西的打擊行動沒多少區別。
3.A previous trial of the six ended with their conviction on charges of intentionally infecting 426 children with HIV when they worked in a hospital in Benghazi in the late 1990s. 六人之前的審訊以罪名成立告終。她們被控於二十世紀九十年代末在班加西一家醫院就職之時,故意使426名兒童感染上HIV病毒。