





color difference meter colour difference meter 色差計;color difference meter colour difference meter 色差計;color difference meter colour difference meter 色差計;color difference meter colour difference meter 色差計;relationship between optical path difference and phase difference 光程差與相位差的關係;


1.The four path of actualizing differentiation strategy are: product difference, the market difference, the service difference and image difference. 差異化戰略的實施途徑一般分為產品差異化、市場差異化、服務差異化和形象差異化四個方面。

2.The thermal effect includes two parts, the temperature difference of one year and the local temperature difference. The local temperature difference can be usually devided to three kinds. 溫度影響一般包括兩部分:年溫差影響與局部溫差影響,而局部溫差影響又可以細分為日照溫差、混凝土水化熱和寒流、降溫溫差荷載。

3.We examine the super compact symmetric finite difference scheme (SCSFD) and compare it with traditional difference methods and compact difference methods. The result shows high efficiency of SCSFD. 考查了超緊致差分方法,並將其精度同傳統差分格式和緊致差分格式做了比較,結果顯示超緊致方法具有良好求解效率。

4.The modeling of GM(1, 1) model is to gain difference equation by dispersing albinism differential equation, then estimate model parameters by the difference equation. GM(1,1)模型的建模過程是由白化微分方程離散化得到差分方程,再由該差分方程估計模型參數。

5.Results The maximum difference of which the values measured by our laboratory related to the total average is

4. 21%, and with an equipotent probability of positive and negative difference occurred. 結果我們實驗室對兩個樣品的測量值相對於總體平均值的最大偏差為4。21%,而且,出現正負偏差的幾率均等,說明我們實驗室的測量方法的準確度和重複性非常好,沒有明顯的系統誤差。


That's quite a difference from the directions that Pete sent me. - 這和Pete寄給我的路線指示完全不同。

I did make a difference in town. - 我確實在鎮上發揮了影響力。

It makes a tremendous difference to me. - 這對我來說差別極大。

What's the difference between A and B? - A和B有什麼不同?

Does it make any difference to you whether we have our lesson at two o'clock or at three o'clock? - 我們在兩點上課還是在三點上課,你覺得有關係嗎?

Flowers make no difference to a room. - 一個房間裡有沒有鮮花並沒有很大的差別。

It doesn't make much difference to me what you do. - 你幹什麼對我沒有多大關係。

A hot bath makes all the difference in the morning. - 上午洗個熱水澡能讓人精神振奮。

She insists that it doesn't make any difference to her. - 她堅持對她沒有任何差別。

There may be some quantity difference when loading the goods, but not more than 5%. - 貨物裝船時可能會有一些數量出入,但不會超過5%。

There is some difference between the twins. - 這對雙胞胎有點兒不一樣。

It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! - 顯然,它分辨不出印度音樂和爵士樂!

One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and insect never more than six. - 人們幾乎一眼就能看出二者的差異,因為蜘蛛都是8條腿,而昆蟲的腿從不超過6條。

There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: - 老年人和年輕人之間僅僅有一個不同:

It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: - 即使偽造得很巧妙,也不能付款,

Is there much of a difference in price? - 價錢也有很大的分別吧?

A lot of people can't tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent. - 許多人分不出美國口音和加拿大口音的差別。

You may have noticed something while you were doing this task. The point is that there is a difference between an interest and a skill. If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse - 你在回答這些問題時,你可能會注意到一些事。關鍵在於明白興趣和技能是不同的。如果你喜歡藝術樂於觀看圖畫,這只是一種興趣。可是如果你能夠畫出一匹馬,看起來像馬而不像一隻大狗,這就是一種技能。最好的工作是既能運用你做某事的技能,又是你興趣之所在。同樣,如果你相?2283


upwind difference formula - 上風差分公式

n. shear difference method - 剪切差動法

n. shear difference method - 剪力差法

difference spectra - 差光譜

n. finite difference method - 差分法

difference circuit - 差分電路

difference limen - 差別閾限

difference quotient - 差商

difference spectrum; differential spectra; differential spectrum - 差示光譜

difference limen difference test; dld test - 強度辨差閾差異試驗

difference limen test; dl test - 強度辨差閾試驗

digital difference computer - 數字差分計算機

n. finite difference method - 有限差分方法

slight difference in the same pulse condition - 脈微甚

automatic colour difference meter - 自動色差計

difference limen test - 辨差閾試驗


n.動靜脈氧差 - arteriovenous oxygen difference

n.自動色差計 - automatic colour difference meter

n.生物差異 - biological difference

n.接觸電勢位差 - contact potential difference

n.濃度差 - concentration difference

n.冠狀動靜脈血氧差 - coronary arterioveno-oxygen difference

n.強度辨差閾差異試驗 - difference limen difference test

n.數字差分計算機 - digital difference computer

兩觸點判別法 - dual touch spots difference limen

n.電子電勢差計 - electron potential difference

n.靜電系電勢差單位 - electrostatic unit of potential difference

n.個體差異 - individual difference

聲差閾強度試驗 - intensity difference limen test

n.兩耳到達時間差 - interaural time difference

n.渠道系統間到達時間差 - interchannel time difference

n.辨別閾,辨差閾 - just noticeable difference

n.光差 - light difference

n.掩蔽級差 - masking level difference

n.平均差 - mean difference

n.最小感受差,最小可辨差 - minimum perceptible difference

n.遠近視差 - near and far visual difference

光路差 - optical path difference

n.分壓差 - partial pressure difference

不同的醫療費 - patient's pay on the difference

n.相差 - phase difference

n.位相差 - phasic difference

n.生理飽和差 - physiologic saturation difference

n.電位差,勢差 - potential difference

n.電位差 - potntial difference

n.壓差,壓力差 - pressure difference

n.倒數差分 - reciprocal difference

n.累差分 - repeated difference

n.靜息電位差 - restign potential difference

n.靜息電位差 - resting electric potential difference

性別差異 - sex difference

n.差異顯著性 - significance of difference

顯著性差異 - significant difference

n.脈微甚 - slight difference in the same pulse condition

n.種屬差異 - species difference

n.溫度差 - temperature difference

差閾 - threshold of difference

n.跨膜電位差,膜內外電位差 - transmembrane potential difference

n.上風差分公式 - upwind difference formula

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