





That is to say foreign banks and financial institutions need to perform risk analysis and act prudently and cautiously in extending loans to these financial firms 這就是說,外國的銀行和金融機構對這些金融企業進行貸款時,必須進行風險分析,審慎從事。;The purpose to acquire the said financial assets or undertake the financial liabilities is mainly for selling or repurchase of them in the near future (一)取得該金融資產或承擔該金融負債的目的,主要是為了近期內出售或回購。?;That is to say foreign banks and financial institutions need to perform risk analysis and act prudently and cautiously in extending loans to these financial firms 這就是說,外國的銀行和金融機構對這些金融企業進行貸款時,必須進行風險分析,審慎從事。;Financial administer 財務管理師;Administers financial idea 有理財觀念;


1.Because of the Financial Lever, the liability could bring along both Financial Lever Income and Financial Lever Loss. 負債資本受財務槓桿作用,既可能帶來財務槓桿收益,又可能發生財務槓桿損失。

2.Financial superintendency is the total name of financial superintendency organization supervises and manages each kind of financial campaign. 金融監管是金融監管機構對各類金融活動進行監督與管理的總稱。

3.Moreover, some of the financial consultants hold the certificates of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or Chartered Financial Planner (CFP). 部份理財顧問更持有特許財務分析師(CFA)或特許財務策劃師(CFP)證書。

4.Next, our country's financial system, the financial movement is normal, financial organ also relative security. 其次,我國的金融體系,金融運行正常,金融機構也相對安全。

5.On the basis of the traditional financial achievement index, adding non financial index appraisal to analysis the feasibility of non financial arrangement and application. 提出企業經營業績綜合評價的思想,即在傳統的財務指標評價的基礎上,增加非財務指標評價,分析了非財務指標設置及應用的可行性。


To honor an order of big size like yours, it's beyond our financial capability. - 執行像你們這樣一個龐大的訂貨,超過了我們的財務能力。

The only thing holding us back is our financial situation. - 只是財政狀況未許可,所以才拖延到現在。

Well, the company has some financial problems. People there are all thinking of quitting. - 是這樣的,公司有些財政困難。人們都在想辭職。

So I have a good idea about your financial situation. - 所以, 我對你們的財務狀況很瞭解。

Here are the financial details on the house. - 這是這房子的財務細節。

The city is under financial pressure. - 本市正遭遇財政困難。

If you sign this contract all of your financial worries will be over! - 如果你在這份合約上簽字,你就和金錢的勞累一刀兩斷了。

If you are younger, and ina solid financial position, - 如果你年輕一些,並且經濟狀況可靠,

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