





famished look ill look 菜色;be observed espial look into look-in observe take stock of 觀察;look around look round for shop smell about 到處尋找;be observed espial look into look-in observe take stock of 觀察;I look like I'm dead But when you look at me I am still alive 我如同死去一般但當你注視時我仍然活著;


1.Look at this! See how nice you look. Look at this! Look at that, we – lookit, I mean, I'm… -Yeah, some couple! 看看!看看你有多漂亮。看看!看看,我們–看一下,我是說,我…-是的,多好的一對!

2.I think, to distinguish from the top three, a look at his accuracy, his second look at the deal in principle, the three look at his luck. 我認為,分辨高手要從三個方面考慮,一看他的準確率,二看他的交易原則,三看他的運氣。

3.I think, to distinguish from the top three, a look at his accuracy, his second look at the deal in principle, the three look at his luck. 我認為,分辨高手要從三個方面考慮,一看他的準確率,二看他的交易原則,三看他的運氣。

4.They look like…toll booths. What do they look like to you? 他們就像是……收費亭。那您怎麼看待他們呢?

5.The button man gave his capo regime an astonished look, which was followed by a look of comprehension, before he went back to the kitchen. 那個武工隊員對他的司令先是用吃驚的神色望了望,接著就用理解的神色望了望,然後回到廚房去了。


I see. We'll take a good look at you. - 我明白了。我們會好好替你看看。

Welcome to China. May I have a look at your customs declaration? - 歡迎來中國。我可以看一下您的入境申請報表嗎?

May I look it over? - 我可以過目一遍嗎?

Here, take a look at these Rolexes. - 來看這幾隻勞力士吧!

Ha! Ha! But not real Rolexes. They look the same. - 哈!哈!但不是真的勞力士,看起來跟真的一樣。

Let me give you this information to look over. - 那麼讓我給你些詳細資料做參考。

Would you please lead me to look around your factory? - 您能領我參觀一下工廠嗎?

Would you do me a favour look around your factory? - 能否幫忙帶我看一下你們工廠?

I would be appriciated to take a look around your factory. - 如能看一下你們工廠我會很感激的。

OK. Let's have a look at it. - 好,讓我們來看看。

Did you look at them? - 你看過了嗎?

Doesn't it look just right on Susan? Susan - 戴起來正好, 不是嗎?

Before you leave--do I look all right? - 在你們離開之前, 告訴我, 我這樣子可以嗎?

The bride and groom really look wonderful together. - 新娘和新郎看起來真是一對兒。

A crystal chandelier would look great in the living room. - 在這間臥室裡放一盞水晶吊燈會很漂亮的。

A grandfather clock would look great in the den. - 休息室裡放一座落地鍾會很漂亮的。

I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over. - 我要請一個室內裝需工程師來看看這個地方。

You look as fit as a fiddle. - 你看起來非常健康。

Does this style look good on me? - 我穿這種樣式好看嗎?

Does this make me look fat? - 我穿這件顯胖嗎?

You look very young. How old are you? - 你看起來真年輕, 你多大了?

Am I older than you? You look so young. - 我比你老嗎?你看起來非常年輕?

You look much younger than ... years old. - 你看起來比……年輕多啦。

You really don't look your age. - 你看起來比你的年齡要年輕。

You don't look a day over ... - 你看起來一天也不比……大。

You still look like a teenager. - 你看起來像一個十幾歲的青年。

You look very familiar. Have we been introduced before? - 你看起來很面熟,我們以前互相介紹認識過嗎?

Please look us up. - 請和我們聯絡。

Oh, you look so beautiful, Susan. My granddaughter. - 啊 ,真漂亮 ,Susan 我的好孫女。

Like I always said, you look just like Grandma. - 我老是說你真像你奶奶。

Oh, look at that float, Robbie. - 噢 你看那花車 Robbie。

I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. - 我等著見 Harry和Michelle。

Her eyes look so sad. - 她的目光那麼憂鬱。

Come by one day and look at some of the other dogs. - 有空來一趟,看看其他狗。

Oh, don't look so sad. - 噢, 別顯得那麼無精打采。

Charley Rafer--you look as young as ever. Charley Rafer - 你還像當年那樣年輕。

Why don't you look at some houses, Marilyn? - 何不去看一看房子呢, Marilyn?

Where should we look for a house, Mrs. Martinelli? - 我們應該到什麼地方找房子, Martinelli太太?

Then why don't we go look at this house, too? - 那我們何不也去看看這棟房子?

Well, you look good. - 嗯, 看起來蠻好的。

Relax with the family and then look for some work. - 與家人輕鬆一段時間 ,然後找個工作。

Well, I guess. He does look a lot like Richard, - 嗯 ,有點像。他確實很像Richard。

but let's get a look at the view. - 但讓我們來瞧一瞧景色。

No. Look out the window. The sun is shining! - 不。你看看窗外。太陽出來了!

You look wonderful, Malcolm! - 你看起來好得很好,Malcolm!

The two of you look unbelievable! - 你們倆看起來簡直讓人難以置信!

You look great! - 看起來很棒!

You look great. - 你看起來很神氣。

You have that look in your eye. - 你看起來好像有了主意似的。

I can't look at another number. - 我簡直一個數字也看不進去了。


look ill - 看上去有病


n.病容 - sickly look

n.愁容 - worried look

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