





looked[luk]vt. 看;期待;注意;面向;看上去像vi. 看;看起來;注意;面向n. 看;樣子;面容


over looked 疏漏;looked up 查出;查出,興旺;查詢;興旺,查出;looked for 尋找;尋找,渴望;looked upon 看作;ver looked 疏漏;


1.Look straight ahead and you'll see the post office. 往前看,你就會看到郵局。

2.He looked up at the sullen sky. 他抬頭看了一眼陰沉的天空。

3.He looked, but there was no keyhole. 他認為,但是他找不到鑰匙孔。


You never looked better. - 再漂亮不過了。

I looked all over the house to find it. - 我找遍了整間屋子才找到它。

We looked at a lot of houses. - 我們看了好多房子。

My dear little boy just looked up at me as if to say, - 我親愛的小男孩只是仰頭看著我 ,好像在說,

He looked up at me. - 他仰頭看我。

Drug dependence should be looked at as a medical issue, not a criminal one. - 毒品信賴應該被看成是醫學問題,而不是犯罪問題。

John isn't here today. That figures, he looked very sick yesterday. - 約翰今天沒有來,怪不得,他昨天就好像不太舒服。

After the marathon, most of the competitors looked all in. - 跑完馬拉松,大多數參加比賽的人顯得疲勞不堪。

And everything looked so different, compared with things in New York. - 與紐約相比,一切都那麼不一肅。

His career opportunities suddenly looked brighter. - 他似乎突然又有希望飛黃騰達了。

The doctor said I looked anemic. - 醫生說我看起來貧血。

The doctor said I looked pale and tired. - 醫生說我看起來蒼白和疲倦。

The doctor said I looked pale. - 醫生說我看起來很蒼白。

The doctor said I looked run down. - 醫生說我看起來身體漸漸差了。

The doctor said I looked worried and nervous. - 醫生說我看起來太憂鬱和緊張了。

Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at? - 你有沒有辦法把它帶過來,讓我們看一看?

In the crowd, Sam looked aside to avoid seeing her. - 在人潮中,薩姆把頭轉向旁邊,免得和她目光相對。

Long looked for comes at last. - 久久尋找,終會找到。

Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didn't write a word! - 然後他就坐在那裡,對著考卷看了3個小時,一個字也沒寫!

The editor over looked a print error. - 這位編輯漏掉了一個印刷錯誤。

There were coins everywhere.We looked for them, but we could not find them all. - 到處都是硬幣。我們雖然找了,但沒有把它們全部找到。

Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously. - 薩莉沒回答,卻好奇地看著她。

I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily. - 我回過頭去怒視著那一男一女,

I looked out of the window.It was dark outside. - 我望望窗外,外面一片昏暗。

I looked at my watch.It was true. - 我看了一下我的手錶,果真如此。

After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. - 我在一家鄉村小酒店吃過午飯後,就找我的提包。

My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. - 我的老師從來不那樣講英語!我和搬運工相視一笑。

She looked at it critically for a moment. - 她認真的看了好一會兒。

I looked at it again. - 我又看了看那副畫。

'You needn't be so rude about it,' my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. - 「你說話沒必要這樣不客氣,」我的妻子邊回答邊照著鏡子。

My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse! - 我妻子戴著一頂像燈塔一樣的帽子。

After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: 'A relation of yours is coming to see you. - 「您的一個親戚就要來看您了。

The examiner looked at me sadly. - 主考人傷心地看著我。

for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador. - 直到他的背影消逝,才重新將注意力轉向鬥牛士。

He looked very angry. - 他看上去非常氣憤。

' I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. - 」我向下面看去。當我看清是一個警察時,差一點兒從梯子上掉下去。

He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state. - 他面色蒼白,衣服也搞得不成樣子。

She looked everywhere for him but could not find him. - 四處尋找,但沒有找著。

He looked very well though he was rather thirsty, for he drank half a bottle of milk. - 它看上去一切正常,只是口渴得很,喝了半瓶牛奶。

It looked as if there would be an exciting race across the Channel. - 看來會有一場激烈的飛越英吉利海峽的競爭。

The gaoler looked on eagerly, anxious to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines. - 獄卒熱切地觀察著,急於想瞭解他的同事是否記熟了台詞。

It certainly looked genuine. - 那看上去確實不假,金

Shivering in their wet clothes, the teenagers looked on while three men dived repeatedly into the water to locate the dish. - 那些孩子們穿著濕衣服哆嗦,看著3個工人輪潛入水中以確定盤子的位置。

Even under a clear blue sky, the village looked forbidding, as all the houses were built of grey mud bricks. - 農舍全用灰色的土坯建成,因此,即使在晴朗的藍天底下,村莊看上去也會令人感到難以親近。

One day, he went to an exclusive shop in London and asked for 'Myrolite', the shop assistant looked puzzled and Harry repeated the word, slowly stressing each syllable. - 一天,他去倫敦一家高級商店要買一種叫「密諾萊特」的東西,店員露出詫異的神色。哈里又慢慢地,一字一頓說了一遍這個詞,

I looked at the map and then at the millimeter. - 我看了看地圖,又查了一下里程表。

But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument? - 但是,如果我們想到,便用一架倍數有限的望遠鏡需要長期的經驗和對自己儀器的熟悉程度,那麼我們怎麼能去責備觀察了天空但沒有看到伽利略所看到的東西的那些人呢?

No, I looked there. - 不在,我找過了。

The doctor looked over Mrs Brown very carefully. - 醫生非常仔細地給布朗夫人作了檢查。

Time for our lunch, said Bruce. Then he looked around. Oh dear! I don't understand! - 「午飯時間到了,」布魯斯說。然後他看看四周。「天啊!我弄不明白了!」

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