slept[slept]v. 睡覺(sleep的過去式和過去分詞)
slept 睡覺;睡覺了;slept on 延期解決;把推延到第二天解決;slept in 遲起;在工作地點住宿;Slept Naked 裸睡;slept upon 把...推延到第二天解決;延期解決;
1.She read a book while I slept. 當我睡覺的時候她讀了一本書。
2.They even slept near each other. 它們甚至還要挨著睡覺。
3.For days she neither slept nor ate. 多少天,她既不睡覺也不吃東西。
I went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night. - 我很快地入睡了並且整夜酣睡。
Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. - 睡袋既暖和又舒服,所以,他們都睡得很香。
He slept very well for the first two nights, - 頭兩天晚上,他睡得非常好。
I was so tired. I could have slept for a week. - 我累死了!我能蒙頭睡上一星期。
Mum slept almost the whole way. - 媽媽在整個途中幾乎都在睡覺。
Have you slept well? - 你睡得好嗎?
Yes, I slept very well all night, thanks. - 好的,我一個晚上都睡得很踏實,謝謝。