SLICabbr. (聯邦)儲蓄借貸保險公司((Federal)Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation)
SLIC 戶線接口電路;用戶線接口電路;Subscriber Line Interface Circuit;戶線路接口電路;SLIC - 用戶線接口控制器;系統級IC;SLIC SubscriberLineInterfaceCard 用戶線路接口卡;SLIC SubscriberLineInterfaceCircuit 用戶線路接口電路;SLIC SystemLicenseInsideCode 系統許可證內碼;
1.We call it that because the memory address where the SLIC will be doesn't change. 之所以這樣命名是因為這種方法的SLIC的內存地址是不會改變的。
2.Personnel both in SLIC and our neighbours will be warned that we plan to have an exercise just after 5pm. 將通知在SLIC和我們鄰近裝置中的人員我們計劃在下午5點整後進行一次演習。
3.Although the SLIC classification guides the physician to either operative or nonoperative treatment, it does not assist in the choice of surgical approach. 儘管SLIC評分系統能夠為醫生提供手術或非手術治療的建議,但它還不能為手術入路的選擇提供幫助。