





stasis['steisis, 'stæ-]n. 鬱積,停滯;血行停滯


stasis 停滯;停滯,抑制;固定,停滯,郁滯;血淤滯;urinary stasis 尿停滯;尿路閉塞;釋義:尿停滯;blood stasis 血瘀;瘀血;釋義:血菀,瘀血,蓄血,血郁;venous stasis 靜脈停滯;釋義:靜脈停滯;Temporal Stasis 永恆靜滯;


1.Obstruction with stasis also led to the formation of the yellow-brown calculus (stone). 伴有尿液鬱積的阻塞還能導致黃褐色的結石(石頭)形成。

2.The index will not list stasis, or fixity, or stability, or any of the jargon of permanence. 索引中不會列出靜態平衡、或固定性、或穩定性、或任何表示持久不變的行話。

3.Eventually the experimental soldiers were relegated to stasis fields and work was begun on a new type of warrior: the clone commando. 最後這種實驗性質的士兵被放逐至靜力場*中,並開始發展新型態的士兵:複製人突擊隊。


qi stasis due to cold - 寒凝氣滯

the type of blood stasis due to cold - 寒凝血瘀型

stasis in microcirculation - 微血管淤滯

chronic stasis leg ulcer - 慢性停滯性小腸潰瘍

removing stasis and reducing phlegm - 散壅化痰

removing blood stasis and activating blood flow - 散瘀活血

blood stasis due to stagnationofqi; stagnancy of qi and blood stasis - 氣滯血瘀

heat accumulating; heat constipation; heataccumulating; stasis of heat - 熱結

invasion of blood stasis to the heart - 瘀血沖心

blood stasis in the lung - 瘀血阻於肺

eliminate blood stasis and restore menstruation - 破瘀通經

removing blood stasis with drastic drugs - 破血

removing blood stasis with potent drugs - 破血祛瘀

stasis of hepatic sinusoid - 肝竇鬱血

blood stagnation; stasis of blood stream - 血流淤滯

blood stasis in the chest - 血結胸

stasis in afferent loop - 輸入襻瘀滯

stasis dermatitis - 郁滯性皮炎

stasis ulcer - 鬱血性潰瘍


n.血瘀腹痛 - abdominal pain due to blood stasis

n.血瘀 - blood stasis

n.氣滯血瘀 - blood stasis due to stagnationofqi

n.血結胸 - blood stasis in the chest

n.瘀血阻於肺 - blood stasis in the lung

n.慢性腸停滯 - chronic intestinal stasis

n.慢性停滯性小腸潰瘍 - chronic stasis leg ulcer

n.循環停滯 - circulatory stasis

n.散瘀 - desslpating blood stasis

擴散停滯 - diffusion stasis

n.清散瘀血 - disperse blood stasis

n.散瘀 - dissipate blood stasis

n.散瘀 - dissipating blood stasis

n.十二指腸停滯症,十二指腸壅滯症 - duodenal stasis

n.血腫 - edema due to blood stasis

n.血瘀痛經 - dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis

n.破瘀通經 - eliminate blood stasis and restore menstruation

n.四白,血心痛 - epigastric pain due to blood stasis

n.血瘀痿 - flaccidity of limbs due to blood stasis

n.膽囊鬱積 - gallbladder stasis

n.生長停滯 - growth stasis

n.血疝 - hernial pain due to blood stasis

n.死血心痛 - hypochondriac pain due to blood stasis

n.迴腸壅滯 - ileal stasis

n.腸停滯 - intestinal stasis

n.瘀血沖心 - invasion of blood stasis to the heart

n.血瘀崩漏 - metrorrhagia due to blood stasis

視神經乳頭水腫 - papillary stasis

n.消導 - promote degestion and relieving stasis

n.肺循環淤血 - pulmonary circulatory stasis

n.氣滯 - qi stasis

n.寒凝氣滯 - qi stasis due to cold

n.破瘀,去瘀 - removing blood stasis

n.散瘀活血 - removing blood stasis and activating blood flow

n.破血 - removing blood stasis with drastic

n.破血 - removing blood stasis with drastic drugs

n.破血祛瘀 - removing blood stasis with potent drugs

n.散壅化痰 - removing stasis and reducing phlegm

n.血瘀經行後期 - retarded menstruation due to blood stasis

n.氣滯血瘀 - stagnancy of qi and blood stasis

n.血瘀不孕 - sterility due to blood stasis

n.活血化淤 - stimulate circulation to end stasis

n.該頭痛是因瘀血所致 - The headache is due to blood stasis

n.寒凝血瘀型 - the type of blood stasis due to cold

n.血蠱,血臌 - tympanitis due to blood stasis

尿鬱積,尿停滯 - urinary stasis

n.鬱血 - venous stasis

靜脈郁滯 - venous stasis retinopathy

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